Tell me it's all going to be ok... Please.

Jun 27, 2005 11:09

I feel massively butch. 13 hours of Airwolf later I only want more hot helicopter action, not less. Sexy, sexy beast. :::meow::: There was a time I wanted to fly them... I was going to be the hottest stunt flyer on the circuit. Did I mention I still have never learned how to drive a car? Whatevah!

I have been reminded how special it all is here in fandom-land. I am GRATEFUL I interact with intelligent, respectful, SANE people. The actors I appreciate are hard working, healthy professionals who treat their craft and fans with respect. Today I wandered out (against my better judgment) into the "real world" - aka "mainstream Hollywood". Just... hold me.

I had to see what happened to Jan Michael Vincent because I'm obsessive that way. I seriously didn't think he'd still be alive - his drinking almost killed him in the 80s, I knew he was self-destructive and had a vicious temper. But here:

Now, his condition is grim enough but then, THEN I simply had to read the message board and encounter the freak show there. What is WRONG with people?!? People posting about how (and I do mean how) they'd like to screw him, people posting how they HAVE screwed him, a lot of people just saying how he should die because he's pathetic, people slamming the people wishing him well... One lady actually posted some fup information on his condition - describing how he looks - and all anyone could say is, "Get a picture - the Globe would pay a fortune." Do you blame JMV for turning out like he did, dealing with people like this?

I really appreciate my fandom world and all those who dwell there. I know people can get petty and clique-ish at times, but I'm reminded of a favorite quote (from Spy Hard):

Dick Steele, Agent WD-40: I'm going in there.
Veronique Ukrinsky, Agent 3.14: That's crazy!
Dick Steele, Agent WD-40: No, crazy is walking down the street with half a cantaloupe on your head, muttering "I'm a hamster, I'm a hamster."


wank, fandom, i_am_insane, airwolf

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