Couch potato-ism

Jun 26, 2005 12:57

I haven't watched this much TV in a long time...

Not that I could possibly do anything other than lie on the bed watching TV anyway, it's been shit-fuck hot here for days and the whole week stretches out before us - it's only going to get worse. Friday afternoon it was bad enough that I think I had heatstroke (I started hallucinating) and I only barely pulled myself off the bed to answer the door. My hero! The building handyman had finally arrived to help me lift the air conditioner in. Not that it does much. If you stand right next to it, it makes a difference but I'm still completely unable to do anything else anywhere in the apartment other than lie in a puddle and watch TV.

But that's good, really because besides the John Castle goodie package I got Thursday my monster order of shows on DVD arrived right before I left work Friday. The order which held a stack of vintage favorites from 15-25 years ago. I am having some really interesting feelings come up...

Mostly, I've been watching Airwolf, which I haven't seen since I was addicted to it when it aired in the early 80s - this being long before we had a VCR. I'm a little shocked how much I remember. And I'm really thrown at the feelings it's bringing up in me... It was not a happy time of my life and I threw myself into the few shows I loved at the time. My world revolved around Robert Culp (Greatest American Hero), Blake's 7, Dr. Who, Airwolf, and a few others. I lived in my head and was glued to the TV. Jan Michael Vincent is just as much of an ass as I remember - and just as gorgeous. And Stringfellow is still as unavailable and broody - But I'm sure I could change him.... ;-) And, my God, how frickin sexy is that helicopter???

Skipping back a few years, my whole life was Parker Stevenson of the Hardy Boys - also in my DVD box. His eyes are still hypnotic (or maybe it's just the heatstroke.) But then, he was already a shoe-in for me... I'd been in love with Frank Hardy since I was 8 years old and read every singe Hardy Boys book written over the summers of 1976/77. Parker just sealed the deal.

Jump forward - Moonlighting. I can't even go into this one, just too painful (in a 4 Weddings and a Funeral kind of way.)

And each night this weekend, I've been falling asleep to The Good Life (Good Neighbors.) Which is really, really strange for two reasons. 1) I used to watch this going to sleep on weekends in the 80s as it was on after our weekly showing of a complete Dr. Who story on our PBS station. This was my BIG weekend plan (not to be changed even for weddings or funerals): Full tea service, home-baked soda bread, plenty of blankets and pillows - snuggle in for 2-4 hours of Dr. Who into the wee hours of the morning. It was a ritual - a "me time" ceremony I treasured. I'd always fall asleep. And wake up to Good Neighbors - always followed by the Star Hustler. :::sigh::: Good times.

Oh yeah, reason #2: I was madly in love with both Tom and Jerry. Tom is the guy I'm going to marry - Jerry is his best friend that I will use mercilessly. Used to envision threesomes with them (well, there was that wife swapping episode...) OK, now I've crossed the line, haven't I...? Definitely TMI.

paul_eddington, good_neighbors, fandom, hardy_boys, airwolf

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