Shit has definitely hit the fan.
Today, at exactly 1:13 p.m. I have come to realize I can no longer tolerate living with my parents (and this time it's not a ha-ha hee-hee joke).
I'm being extremely serious about this.
It's hard to start talking about an issue that has been dragging on for a long time. Let me start with the most obvious. I am 19, unemployed (by choice, I'd rather use my savings to go full time to school, then juggle a job and school at the same time), and live with my parents. As many of you know, as one acquires more age, you often question foolish rules that your parents implement to keep you in check. Unfortunately, I am a questioner, and a big one at that.
My problems haven't started since this, but they've somewhat grown exponentially. See, I recently acquired a boyfriend, one that I cannot get enough of, and who is equally fond of me. He's older than me, intelligent, charming, good looking, holds a stable job, and also lives with his parents. As our relationship has progressed I find myself spending less time at home and more time in the outside world. At first I let my household responsibilities slip, but after long lectures with the parental units, I have continued to uphold them. So after this slip of mine, one would think that my parents would get off my back. Unfortunately this is not so. I've never really thought there were any flaws to living with a conservative Mexican family, but I was soooooooooooo wrong. Despite the fact that I don't do drugs, have never met or been affiliated with a gang, hold no criminal record, have never come home past 1:30 AM, my parents have increasingly treated me like an immature retard. I have never EVER given my parents any sort of trouble. I have always been an excellent student at school, have always obeyed their ridiculous rules, but honestly I am becoming quite sick of it.
They account the rise of my rebelliousness from the fact that I have a boyfriend, to which I say bullshit (not aloud of course).
Today though, things have become worse.
I went to the market with my grandparents to get some groceries for my mom. My dad at that time was sleeping. I guess it is fair to add that my dad has two crappy jobs that make him miserable. So considering this, I took some money from the money drawer, and my dad's car to go grocery shopping. I came back home to find my dad ready to go to his next job. My grandparents started telling my dad that I was definitely a responsible driver and that he should let me acquire a car. At this point I handed him the money that was leftover.
In front of my grandparents, my dad started accusing me of throwing the money at him. At this I responded, "WHAT??!!" Which needless to say, made matters far worse. Behind close doors, my dad said he was tired of my attitude. He was extremely assured that I had gone grocery shopping just so I could catch sight of my boyfriend in the afternoon, basically saying that I always had malicious intentions and I never did anything in good will. Furthermore he said that if I continued with my attitude he would hit me (which is like nooooooooo surprise to me considering he has done this before). My mom agrees that I'm always talking back. I'm struggling to catch my breath and to hold my tears, but I just explode. This overwhelming cloud of darkness pours out of my eyes and all I can think of is how much I hate him.
Towards the end he adds that I have the option to leave. He laughs at this because he knows perfectly well I can't leave. I can barely afford community college, I have absolutely no government aid so I pay for absolutely everything with the little savings I have, I don't hold a job, and I have no possessions to call my own. I feel like tearing his face apart.
I have a lump in my throat the size of an elephant, I have enough tears to compete with the waters of the Nile River, and even worse...
I have two paths to choose from, and to my disgrace,
neither of them is good one.
I leave you with the Pulitzer Prize Winning photograph of a starving child in Sudan and a vulture waiting to eat her.