Jun 14, 2005 05:51
Ok tomight I was reading a feminist website (Don't ask why) when I came to a section about bad dates and mens egos. This is what I read
"After times like this, men can't figure out why we aren't throwing ourselves at their feet, showing our gratitude for their attention. I have said the following remark to many people, men included, and after each time, I have been told I am jaded. If that is the case, so be it. Here is what I have to say: Men think that we women are just living and dying for their penis. They all believe that once we've experienced "THEIR" mighty creature, we'll be forever changed. I've even heard a few men say "Well, she hasn't had what I have to offer," like it was unique and original. I mean "COME ON!" EVERY SINGLE man has one. It isn't unique, it isn't a rare commodity, they all function the same way. So unless it's at a 90 degree angle and can sing, it isn't going to blow our minds! Granted, if used properly, they can bring pleasure. I believe it's men who are in love with their penis, and live and die for it. Not us women."
Not once in my entire lifetime have I ever thought of my penis as an answer to anything. This is typical stereotyping bullshit. I think it was Freud that asked the universal question that can't be answered "What do women want?". I mean what do you want? I have given up trying to figure that out and just kind of go with it however I read all this I want intelligence and a gentlemen and blah blah blah well you have a funny way of showing it by dating guys that reat you like shit.
My question is what do you consider intelligent? I can discuss Politics, Religion, Philosophy, History, Science, Technology, Astrology, Mythology, Sociology, Paranormal, Psychology and Economics. Take you're fucking pick! I know why no girls want to discuss any of that stuff BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE, I leanred all that stuff because I was intrested in it not because I thought it might help me get somewhere with women. I'm also tired of hearing about how all guys are assholes. For the record the other night I went out with a friend because it was one of her last nights where I live. Well she got really really drunk and was basically begging for it (even though she is engaged) I didn't do it because I saw that she was smashed and I didn't want to take advantage of it like like all the horny perverts out there, and if you think i'm pathetic this is what I got to say to that "Fuck you I don't care do the world a favor and eat bleach and die" sO we guys aren't all bad SO STOP BITCHING!!!!