My reaction to tonight's grey's

Feb 22, 2007 22:14


Ok, last time my reactions were a little lacking in detail, and i'm sure tonight's will be as well.
I'm taking a page out of my book and writing my reactions as the show goes on (or at least during the commercials lol)

8:53 PM
Right now :( Ugly betty is not on, ABC is showing last week's grey's episode (like any of us FORGOT what happened) and i'm patiently waiting for it to start.
After Grey's we have Oprah's Oscar Special (my god i love award season, though i tell you...mysterious reader of mine... its going to be weird not watching the awards at home with my mom...oh well. Thank god its on a Sunday and for cell phones.)

Gotta love the time stamp people.
"its been a hell of a year"...Izzy. Yeah understatement of the spring season ::Laughs:: more like understatement of my LIFE! lol.
I still can't believe she told George to HIS FACE that Callie was a mistake...that's going to be interesting next.
Poor Addison. I really really like her hair. ::laughs::

is it bad to actually kinda hope...a little...for Mere to die. I mean, yeah she's the title character, but i don't really like her.
DENNY!!!!! I LOVE YOU!! ::laughs:: WHY DID YOU DIE?!?!?

Ooo, now its starting!!!!!!!

::laughs:: man it would be so funny if Addison were to kill Mere lol

BAM! pink mist.

SEE THAT PEOPLE!!!! VOICE OVER. she's still alive (unless its now Desperate Surgical Interns)

Poor Chief. Yay Bailey! No Bailey you can't do that to Addy..making he choose. Not nice.

hehe, there is emo music in Hospital heaven.

DOC!!! aw. yay doggy. this is her brain on drugs.
lol "yeah that sucked"

"Running out of time" ?? what time, you said she was dead!?!?

Gotta love Addy with her Glasses, i wish i had glasses.
Poor Christina...and george.

Geeze Izzy, talking about forcing yourself to be positive.

Its like the patients of Episodes Pasts.

Yeah, Mommy Grey is going to die.

But the other mommy is not going to die. Aw man that make-up job is freaky. Poor lady.

I don't know what to think about Alex...

PUBLIX, yay christina...what the hell is she doing?

WHAT THE HELL??? she was listening people? don't start bleeding on us.

Ok, i'll admit it. I really miss the opening credits. GA is going way down the L O S T path now and that's just not fun. I miss the fun Psapp song and the weird Hooker/Doctor Images. It was fun. far i don't know if this "writing down random comments" is working. So i thin i'm going to same my comments for the commercial breaks and form them into more... cohesive (?) sentences. Because if not, this whole entry is going to be a jumble of "OMG!!!! [Insert Character name here]!!!!"
::laughs:: you know its true.

Commercial for Oprah. really want to see this. Wish they had better Actors (HELLO Kate Winslet!!??)

Oo its back...

"Shut up and look at all my crap!" had to write that down.

9:18 PM
Commercial. You know for such a sucky character, the Name Meredith isn't half bad (i need to stop doing that...thinking about names and such as if it wont even go into what it would matter about ::grumbles:: )
OK. Izzy. NO. Don't get into it with Callie. Callie stop it. I know what i don't know. I'm just confused with this story line.

Dead scare me. hehe "you watched me in the bathtub". no you know he was watching for Izzy (that still makes me sad).
As for Molly (girl who died) that sucks. Its like she has no control of her bladder and i have NO idea what they're trying to get across to Mere. She's dead? she's not dead? and what's with the X-files Imagery??

Christina needs a hug. i'm beginning to like her character b/c i know how she is feeling in the sense of finally finding "your person" and then having them taken away from you, and while you know you can go on without them like you did before them, you just don't want to deal with that situation. So you cope. I watch movies, she buys stuff at the 99 cents store.

Its back.

Oo this could be a real x-files and have Mere come back in the body of her mother and people would just think its her Mom acting crazy b/c of the illness ::laughs::
damn that would have been a great story line.

9:30 PM
Um...ok. I wont lie. This whole Possible attempt in suicide plot line is making me a little uncomfortable. Its funny, well not funny HAHA, more like funny in the way life works. That once i think i'm ok with things, something totally random like a song or a show or even a color or sound, brings me right back to where i don't want to be and reminds me that i'm not done with this yet.
I tried to kill myself once upon a time. And i'm not done dealing with those feelings. Thank you grey's for showing me that.

Ok back to writing about the show.

Love Addison, don't know how many times i'm going to say that, but she freakin' rocks. For a cheating wife who tried to make is work with McSteamy? yeah she rocks and thank you for getting Derek back to a sorta person in control.

Ooo its back.
but before i start paying attention, just want to say. Burke. That is not something you say to a person who is scared. YOU NEVER MAKE THEM SAY GOODBYE!!!

Not bad ABC. only took you 39 minutes to have me in tears.
What did me in? Mere having her little fit, if you will. It just reminded WAY to much of my anxiety panic attacks, which luckily i haven't had this year, but i will be honest, i do kinda just want to curl up and cry.

did i not call it?
Seriously for whatever else was going on in the oh yeah. Izzy and George. Thank you G for saying that to her. Izzy, see he is still your friend, don't be a bitch. Its not always fun when you think someone is taking your place in your friend's life. But its something we need to understand. They're not really taking our place, they're just adding on to it. Stupid as it seems and it totally doesn't feel that way. But I kinda see some of myself in Izzy, in the whole making my friends happy. When this happens. you just gotta step aside and let things happen.

And Denny. I love you! Moments. its b/c of these moments and b/c of what he said about what her dying would do to her friends and loved ones is the very reason why i'm still alive today...

its back.

9:47 PM
THAT WAS LIKE ONLY 5 MINS!!!! stupid show.
When she was hugging her mom (her mom hugged her) my heart totally broke and i want to hug my mommy now :(
and thank god she came back to life when christina was there. For character development, she needed to be there.

I think its hilarious how they are literally sticking Addison in like the most random scenes (she did not have to walk into Mere's room if you think about it..)

OOOOOOO DISNEY!! so excited about spring break.

Damn those five mins of a show are giving me nothing to write about. The commercials are longer than those 5 mins.

Who the hell actually watches Dancing with the Stars???
Waste of TV time i tell you.

oh and that Hospital Ghosts thing..yeah totally x-files.

its back.

"Ouch" perfect is all i have to say.

why is everyone wearing blue? should i change my clothes to blue too?

10:02 PM

Oprah is on.
I'm broken down like whoa.
oh writers for grey's. That ending had me just...speechless.
Denny and Izzy. As much as i can't stand Izzy after this episode, that moment right there. broke my heart. which breaks a lot lately.

i have nothing else to say about this episode.
I told you people, Grey was NOT going to die (check my last grey's post) and that mommy grey was going to die.

and that last scene with Denny and Izzy broke my heart that nothing else in that episode was important.

the end.

::goes to pay attention to Oprah::
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