Its called "Grey's" Anatomy for a reason...

Feb 15, 2007 22:38

Ok, my reaction on tonight's show.

Am totally loving Alex now, regardless of how much of an ASS he is.
Addison's "Super Sexy Librarian Glasses" are just rocking it to the hilt (and loved her comment at the end to Mer)

Poor George and OMG IZZY!!!?!?!??!
Can't wait to see how this is going to turn out...kinda scared actually. They are my two favorite characters and this whole thing is not looking good. I mean, I love George with Callie, but i do agree with Izzy that it was all a big mistake, but yeah...don't like where this is going.

Poor Christina, she just wanted to share the good news with her best friend (i.e. Her Person) and Burke does not understand any of it to save his life, but he better save Mer.

I never liked McDreamy, i mostly blame Patrick Dempsey. He seems like an Arrogant SOB. but i totally felt for him now, and AWW McSteamy!!! He was trying to give him support.

Oh didn't really like the story line with Izzy, yeah i know she had to save the guy, but i think her going back into surgery...they went about it all wrong. i don't think she's ready. But don't get me wrong, i totally yelped happily when the chief said she could scrub in.

and last but not least (well not really last, i have one more point...) that creepy little blond girl, Mini-Mer.
Yeah she could give Walt on Lost a run for his money with all that pointing and blank creepy stares. At least she didn't start speaking backwards...i think that would have been WAY TOO much for me.
And ABC really shouldn't do cross-over eps. because it would all starting sounding like Bad Fan Fiction (and i would know, i've read enough).

And now for the last.
I think its HILARIOUS that when Deny let Mer know that she's dead. I LITERALLY heard the WHOLE dorm gasp and scream at the same time. It was kinda scary, but hilarious to know we're all watching.

But yeah, like the subject line says...Its called GREY'S Anatomy for a reason. They're not going to kill her off.
b/c think about it. Whats going to happen to her mother? What's going to happen to Christina (i can bet you this is like her first real friend)? And George...he can't handle this (Oops, almost wrote Handel...hey if he starts writing and Izzy....yeah don't even want to go there. Not to mention McDreamy...and man that's going to be really bad there. Christina would never forgive Burke and the Chief would just die himself for letting Grey's daughter die and Bailey? She loves her interns way to much.

::laughs:: i think the only person i left out of this is Sydney...but no one likes her anyways.

Oh... back to Deny, just realized i completely got off the topic there. Well i think its interesting that both Pink Mist guy and he were there, makes me wonder if all the other people who died in that hospital are there. Its like that episode on the X-Files when Reyes almost died ::Laughs:: I wonder if Mer could pass on a message to George's dad, let him know that he's doing ok. Same to Deny...poor deny..i really liked him too.
But yeah, please ABC and Writers...don't turn this into an x-file. Don't start bringing in ghosts and miracle cures. Mulder and Scully are not going to bust in and save the day..and what did i say about cross-overs. One thing is pulling your own shows together (which i know Disney likes to do...hello "That's So Suite life of Hannah Montana"? and i know ABC you're owned by Disney, but Seriously...Seriously! ::Laughs:: hee managed to get that in there!) and the other is crossing over to other networks. No.

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