79th Annual Academy Awards- My Predictions.

Feb 24, 2007 20:13

Ok, i'll be honest. I have no seen about 80% of this years Oscar Nominated Movies. Terrible really, usually i can get away with see 80% of the movies...a complete opposite this year (bad gaby)

So, i'm going to take a crack shot of who i think is going to win this year.

Disclaimer: this is all my opinion. If i happen to bash or make fun of an actor/actress or movie you happen to love. Sorry. Also if you use my choices in winner's for whatever bet you have with friends and happen to lose all your money, not my fault. If you win, i expect at least 20% of your winnings :)

Performance by an actor in a leading role:
The sentimental part of me really wants Peter O'Toole to win, and the Indie Movie Fan girl part of me wants Gosling to win. Will Smith IMHO has NO CHANCE and prob never will. The Gillian Anderson fan in me expects Whitaker to win (he did after all win the GG) and then there is DiCaprio.
Don't know really. Its a toss between D and W. And while most are going with DiCaprio for the win, I'm going to go with Forest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scotland" for the win. (go gillian anderson!! lol)

Performance by an actor in a supporting role:
I'm just going to go out and say it that Eddie Murphy better not win. That's going to leave a bad taste in hollywood's mouth i can tell you that. Both Alan Arkin and J.E. Haley are going to be voter's "safe" vote. And Marky Mark? I don't know...
So i'm just going to pic Djimon Hounsou in "Blood Diamond" for the win which i know i'll prob get wrong.

Performance by an actress in a leading role:
I have LOST SLEEP thinking over this categories. Pure and utter CRAZINESS!!! I can safely say that Penelope is not going to win. Sorry but this is not the year the Hispanics are going to sweep the Oscars (that's gonna happen when i'm nominated for something..anything!!!!)
The there is Kate. A Brilliant Inspiration and Role model for short normal bodied girls all over the world (note how i say "normal bodied" as opposed to "slightly overweight" ) She's had 5 nominations in the past and she's only 30-something. That right there shows you she can act (and don't go all Titanic on me, she got a nomination for that too you know...)
Then the deadly Three.
We all know that Helen "I can only play queens" Mirren is prob going to win. But i say NO!
Then we have Judi "I can make even terrible roles seem fucking cool!" Dench who should win but wont.
And Meryl "I can read the phone and still get a nomination" Streep who FUCkING ROCKED in Prada, who should win, but prob wont b/c voters might feel that she's not really acting but more playing a character. Its complicated.
So here's my pick. Kate Winslet. But i'm prob wrong. No i am wrong. Mirren will win, and i will cry (second pick...Streep)

Performance by an actress in a supporting role:
Um...i don't really care? that's so mean.
Cate's already won, 2 years ago. So that might be too fresh in voters' memory to have her win again (it was for the Aviator, 2005). I don't really want Hudson to win, i think that then gives to much credit to crappy televisions shows like American Idle..i mean Idol. The other women from Babel have pretty much canceled each other out. And that leaves tiny Abigail Breslin, who has pretty much Stolen all of Dakota Fanning's oscar chances for a while, lol, that or her career.
My pick, The little kid, Breslin.

Best animated feature film of the year:
CARS!! fucking-a. Not my favorite Pixar movies, but when you find yourself crying over the story of a CAR you know its good. Plus its Pixar, they have yet to make a bad movie. So the other moves (i don't even know what they are) can just go suck the exhaust. (hee funny!)
Oh and note, I'm still pissed over the Tarzan upset that was 1999, when it beat out Toy Story 2 for best original song. That Oscar belonged to Sarah McLachland and Randy Newman, not fucking Phil "i can't sing for crap" Collins ::grumbles::

Achievement in art direction:
Um...i have no idea. I've only seen two of the movies nominated and as much as i loved then, the "art direction" i guess was kinda lacking (but the costumes rocked!)
So as much as i will Root for both Pirated and the Prestige. We all know this oscar is going towards Pan's Labyrinth.
and if you think about it, regardless of whether Pan's or the Prestige wins, David Bowie still wins. Why? well he was in the Prestige and whenever some one googles Pan's Labyrinth, they will manage to some how get info on Bowie's and Henson's "The Labyrinth" lol

Achievement in cinematography:
BAH! i have no idea. The black Dahlia may have been a bit too film noir for some, Children of Men might be future-like for others. The Prestige and The Illusionist cancel each other out, so that leaves the Award to...once again Pan's Labyrinth.

Achievement in costume design
First, a no to the Queen, Dreamgirls, and Marie Antoinette. So that leave us with a toss up on the GORGEOUS clothes worn in Prada (hello prada?!?!) and the incredible Costumes in The Curse of the Golden Flower. And you know how people are with Asian movies and their beautiful clothes and patterns and colors (plus Chow Yun-Fat looks good in ANYTHING!)
So, while I'M going to go with Prada (how funny, a movie about clothing and fashion nominated for best costume design! its like giving the Oscar to Project Runway!), Golden Flower might take this one.

Achievement in directing:
Aw man, this is going to be terrible. The world will cry for Marty who's literally becoming the Academy Awards' Version of Susan Lucci.
This year belongs to Clint because while did win for for Million Dollar Baby, and beat out Marty that year too, he's going to win again for Iwo Jima. Its a touchy WWII movie and people seem to like to watch those.
As for Marty, here's hoping that his Teddy Roosevelt movie gets him something.
As for the other directors? eh.
Clint's got them beat.

Best documentary feature:
Now i'm proud of myself, i've seen most of the movies in this category than i've seen in the others!
But i'm sorry, Jesus Camp is NOT going to win. The award is going to go An Inconvenient Truth. The "inconvenient truth" is going to be that Poor Al Gore is never going to be president, but rather will be an oscar winner

Best documentary short subject
I don't know. No seriously. I don't know....

Achievement in film editing:
Again...i don't know, but i'm going to call it on Babel. It should win something.

Best foreign language film of the year:
Pan's did not get a best picture nod, so its going to win this one.

Achievement in makeup:
Click? like Adam Sandler Click? Who the Fuck nominated this movie? Again Pan's is going to win.

Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score):
Usually i'm good about keeping up with the music. But yeah i have no idea. Seeing how Gustavo Santaolalla won last year for Brokeback, i doubt he's going to win this year.
So i'm going to go with the random pick of the Good German.

Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song):
Cars. I'm just going to go with cars. that's all i have to say about that (and Beyonce better not being singing all the songs like she did two years ago, what the hell was that?)

Best motion picture of the year:
OMG i have no idea.
Babel would be too controversial (like brokeback!). Iwo Jima is too war like specially seeing how we are STILL in a war. Sunshine is the underdog and the Queen can just go suck it.
Which leave us with the Departed which (if Sunshine does not win) will win because the Academy is still not going to give Marty his award (what me have to eat my words on monday lol)

Best animated short film:
Usually, when a cartoon can make me cry, you know there is either something wrong with me, or its just good. Sadly i've only see one of these cartoons and yes it made me cry. So i'm hoping that "The Little Matchgirl" (which can be seen on the Little Mermaid dvd) wins.

Best live action short film
I have no idea...yeah again.

Achievement in sound editing:
Even though Mel Gibson did not DO the sound editing for Apocalyto, its not going to win. So that leaves us with my random pick of Pirates ::laughs::

Achievement in sound mixing:
Same nominations, same pick. Pirates

Achievement in visual effects:
Poseidon? what? yeah, its like Click getting a nomination.
Hmm...guy in blue tights flying, or man with face made out of a squid?
Its a toss up really. I think i'm going to go with Pirates, b/c we've all have seen a man in blue tights fly and believed it.

Adapted screenplay:
While the world wants to see Borat win, i'm picking Little Children (yeah totally on the kate winslet band wagon).
The departed will prob win.

Original screenplay:
NO for the queen, sunshine is the underdog (again) but Iwo Jima will win. (that or babel).

But one thing I am TOTALLY sure of, and yes you can put money on this.
The broadcast will go over its alloted time. ::grin::

so, i'm probably completely wrong with all my predictions. But hey what can i say? If anything, these are the people i would have voted for if I was a member of the Academy.
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