Title: "Loop-de-loop" (Prompt #47: hour at
ageless_aislynnFandom: Doctor Who
Charaters/Pairings: Donna/Doctor
Rating: PG-13 (for suggestive content)
Word count: 100
Summary: What happens in the time loop, stays in the time loop...
Warnings: None, no spoilers
Disclaimer: Not mine or you can bet there would've been a way for both Ten/Donna AND Ten/Rose to have happy endings! ;)
"A time loop?" Donna exclaimed.
"More a loop-de-loop," he returned. "Once around then whoosh! Back where we started, none the wiser, and normal time flow resumes."
"So we stand around for an hour?" she scoffed.
"Wellllll," he drawled, "we could tell secrets! Anything you want to get off your chest?"
What happens in the time loop, stays in the time loop, she thought, yanking off her blouse and dangling it from one finger.
"What do you say, Doctor?" she challenged. "Anything you want to get off my chest?"
He gawked like a teenager, then grinned and began undoing his tie.
Title: "55 Seconds"
ageless_aislynnFandom: Doctor Who
Charaters/Pairings: Donna/Doctor
Rating: R (for adult content)
Word count: 187 (It was supposed to be a drabble but I decided I'd rather keep those extra words and call it a ficlet, lol! ;) )
Summary: So what's a Time Lord and a Super Temp supposed to do when they're stuck in a time loop with an hour they'll never remember? ;) Sequel to "Loop-de-loop"
Warnings: There be sexxins here but no spoilers. ;)
Disclaimer: Not mine or you can bet there would've been a way for both Ten/Donna AND Ten/Rose to have happy endings! ;)
"Hurry!" Donna groaned. They were haphazardly sprawled across the console chair, each thrust teetering them closer to an ungainly crash onto the grating.
"Stamina is...generally...an appreciated...quality," the Doctor grunted, face pressed into the curve of her neck.
"Not when a time loop's about to close," she said, fisting one hand in his hair while the other clung to the seat back for all she was worth. "And I intend to -- ahh! -- finish before it does."
"Got a good...nnnnnggg...55 seconds left."
"Good, nothing! They'd better bloody well be brilliant!"
He raised his head and grinned. "Money-back guarantee," he promised with a saucy eyebrow waggle then sealed the deal with a kiss.
Precisely 51 seconds later:
"Okay," she panted. "Won't be needin' that money back, then."
He gave a wheezy chuckle and she pulled him back in for another kiss just as the universe reset. And she was lounging on the console chair, a bit bored and wondering why it was that when she flicked her hair back over her shoulder and crossed her legs, the Doctor edged a finger into his collar and quickly excused himself.