Recessional (Doctor/Donna, Doctor Who)

Jul 15, 2008 16:17

Title: "Recessional"
Summary: The Doctor grieves for Donna's loss. But sometimes what's lost can be found again.
Song: "Recessional" by Vienna Teng
Fandom: Doctor Who
Genre: angst with a dash of hope
Spoilers: through 4x13 "Journey's End"
Length/Size: 2:45 (23 MB WMV)

Streaming: YOUTUBE
For the graciously hosted downloadable permalink click here ;)

For some reason, the audio on the high quality YouTube version is seriously crunked up! :S And after how hard I wielded my magic wand of audio fixxins on it! *pouts* ;) So in this rare case, I recommend the low-quality version at YouTube or the downloadable version in all its full-sized glory. ;)

ETA: Because I'm obsessive-compulsive and, while I thought I could live with the "hopefully nobody would notice but me" boo-boo I caught long after I'd rendered this, uploaded it twice, posted it here and crossposted it far and wide across teh Interwebs ;) as it turns out, no, it was bugging the life out of me! ;) So I fixed it (along with 2 friends it turned out to unexpectedly have o_O ;) ) and have swapped out the downloadable link for the new one. However, I've opted for now to not replace the YouTube one because it's not quite as noticeable in its pixilated state (she hopes ;) ) and I don't want to lose the comments I've got there. So if you're wanting to see the bestest :P version, please download. Thanks! ♥!

V/N: This can be viewed as either shippy or non-shippy, in my opinion, because I think whether you see them as strictly platonic friends or view them through shippy-goggles, ;) I don't think there's any denying that they love each other or that her loss has cut him deeply.

And I think it's safe to say that this is a fix-it vid. ;) Hope you enjoy! ♥!

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vids: doctor who, vid

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