And now for something completely different!

Jul 24, 2008 22:41

Okay, so it's not that different. Well, it IS different in that practically every entry I've made recently has been either a vid or fic post. ;)

Now, let me preface this by saying that I was going through some pics of DW's 3x12 "The Sound of Drums" and I started noticing something... Martha and I totally drive alike, lol! ;) Well, granted she was on the run and people were shooting at her and all that but you can bet that, like me, probably the Doctor and Jack weren't all that keen to ever get in the car with her behind the wheel again! ;) (And I just implied that I've driven around with the Doctor and Jack, haven't I? *goes to a happy place thinking about that* ;) )

So, it inspired me to do this picspam!

Martha: "Hello! I'm Martha Jones and today I'll be playing the part of Ms. Aislynn J. Viddergirl. Please sit back and enjoy the picspam and keep your arms and legs inside this LJ at all times. Thank you!"

Ais: "Hey, Nine!"

Nine: "Hey, Ais! What's up?"

Ais: "There's a sale at the mall on action figures but I've got to get there right away! Wanna come with me?"

Ten: "Ooo, I'll come!"

Nine: "Oh, for cryin' out loud, Ten! Do you have to butt into everything? Ais was asking ME!"

Ten: "But it's a sale! I want to pick up a Donna! In fact, I'm hoping to find one of those rare bikini-wearing variants!"

Donna: "YOU WHAT???"

Ten: "Ohhhhh crud. Why didn't somebody tell me she was on the line? Uhhhhhh, hi, Donna! You're looking lovely today. Gee, look at the time! Gotta go!" (mutters quickly) "Ais, come pick me up, woncha?"

Jack: "Hey, what's this about a sale at the mall on action figures? I want in on some of that! Can I catch a ride with you, Ais?"

Nine: "You're already in a CAR, Jack!"

Tosh: "Carjack? Where? Stop, criminal!"
Ianto: "Two words for you, Tosh: Deeeee. Caffff."

Tosh: "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Ianto?"

Owen: *smirks*

Nine: "Gee, all of these gratuitous Torchwood cameos are swell but I believe Ais was asking me out on a date -- I mean, she was asking me to go to the mall with her. Where we'll get coffee and maybe one of those big chocolate chip cookies!"

The Master: *snicker*

Donna: "Oi, shut your mouth, you Evil Time Lord of Evilness! You let him talk! Go ahead, Nine. I think it's sweet."

Nine: "Thanks, Donna. So, Ais...? Will you meet me at the mall?"

Ais: "I sure will! Let me just swing by and pick up Ten and Jack and we'll be right there!"

Nine: "YAY!"

Ais: *drives up* "Tennnnnn! Jaaaaaaack! Come on, let's go! We gotta hit that sale while it's hot!"

Jack: *gets in back*
Ten: *gets in front*
Ten's coat: *swishes* ;)

Ais: "Okay, boys, fasten your seatbelts. When it comes to action figure sales, I let NOTHING stand in my way! In fact, I've even been known to drive a bit...aggressively at times."

Ten: "Oh I'm sure you're--" *Ais floors it* "OH MY GIDDY AUNT! Pedestrians, Ais! Pedestrians!"
Jack: *deer in the headlights expression*

Ais: "Well, they can just get out of the way! Jaywalkers! Cross at the green and not in between, people!!!"

Ten: "Ohhhhh, fffffff-"

Ten: (continued) "-udgsicle!"

Jack: "I'm gonna die and not come back this time, I can just feel it!"
Ais: "Eh, suck it up, Jack!" *corners*
Ten: "Too fast, too fast!!!"

Ais: "There's no such thing as too fast when it comes to action figure sales, wooooo!"

Ten: "My face has come off! We cornered so fast my face couldn't keep up!"

Jack: *high-pitched scream*
Ais: "Don't worry, Ten! I'll just swing us back the other way and your face will catch up!"

Ten's face: *SPROING!!!*
Ais: "See? Not a problem! And look, we're here!"

Ten and Jack: *falls out of car, glad to be alive*
Ais: "Wow, what a rush!"

Ten: "Ais, I *heart* you but in the future, I'll do the driving, 'kay?"
Ten's hair: *needs therapy* ;)

Nine: "Hey, there you guys are! What do you mean, Ten? Are you saying Ais isn't a good driver?"

Ten: "Whatever gave you that idea?" *kisses the ground*

Jack: "Uhhhh, when it's time to go, I'll just, uh, beam myself back home."

Ais: "But you're not on Star Trek, Jack."

Jack: "I am now."

Nine: *scoffs* "Wimps!"

Ais: "So, Nine? You wouldn't be afraid to ride with me?"

Ais: "Awwwwwwww!" *smooches*

Nine: *happeh!*

The end ;)

random picspam

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