Okay, so fortunately there were no Daleks... ;)

Feb 21, 2008 16:04

After talking to mistojen last night over the thing that would be a big spoiler to you if you haven't seen Torchwood 2x06 or 07 (and if you, you know, care ;) ), I jokingly promised her I'd write her some smut!fic to make her feel better. Which resulted in lots of LOLZ at the idea of:

1. Me writing
2. Me writing fanfic in general
3. Me writing smut!fic in particular

So here I was today sitting in the doctor's waiting room (sadly, not teh Doctor :( ;) ) and I had this Idea for A Very Cracktacular Owen fic. I sat there amusing myself with the notion but, alas, once I came home, it wasn't even a fraction as funny once I started writing it down so... *sound of Recycle Bin emptying* The world is just going to have to make do without it, lol! ;) But I did try! *uhhhhhh, gets browning points?* ;)

The other day I started making Torchwood icons, just for the heck of it. As of right now, I've done *checks* 14 and 8 for Doctor Who ('cause, you know I have to have some Nine-love in here, right? ;) ). I've got a few more ideas I want to try, then I'll post 'em. Or at least, I promise I'll try to make myself post them! ;) You never know with me, lol! ;)

And now we pause for a random picspam...

Ooo, lounging Nine! *jumps him ;) onto the big purple couch with him*

Oh noes, I hit him so hard that we both fell off the couch...and regenerated! *gasp* ;)

Gwen: "Are you buying this, Jack?"

Jack: "What exactly is it that you're selling, Gwen?"

Ianto: *is sneaking*
No, seriously, that's the name I gave this pic when I saved it, "Ianto sneaking." ;)

unexpected!stalking!Jack! :D

Jack: "Did Ianto just sneak by here?"

Jack: "Everybody, be on the look-out for sneaking!Ianto!"

Kate: "Yeah, I'll be watching...closely...uh-huh...yep..." ;)

Meanwhile, on Battlestar Galactica... ;)

Lee: "What the--? He's not on BSG!"

Sawyer: "I am now, son. I'm joining the crew as Captain Hottie McTightpants. But you can call me..."

Sawyer: "...hot!shirtless!guy."

Lee: "No! I deny this reality and substitute my own! I throw my gun at you! I... I need a cookie!"
Kara: "Can somebody get him a chill pill while we're at it?" ;)

Snuggle bear: "Hi! I'm joining the cast of BSG as well, 'cause, frankly, they could use a little cuddly softness in the midst of their dark, bleak existence!"

Kara: "Okay, now it's time to smack a bi-"

Leoben: "Yo. Language."

Kara: "Dude, that bear is FREAKY!"

Dean: "Word to my brother."

Sam: "You heard him, Snuggle bear. Come and show me what you got! You think you can take the Winchesters???"

Sam and Dean: *no comment*
John: "Yeah, I always told 'em to not antagonize the bear but do they listen to my wise learnings? Nope. Kids these days." *tsks*

Nine: "Hi, everyone! Look, I degenerated!"

Jack: "Sooner or later, everything in this LJ degenerates..."
Tosh: "Hey, is that Ianto sneaking?"

Ianto: *caught* :(

Hero shot of Owen for my girl, Jen. ;)

Ianto: *sneaking away*

Jack: "Is Ianto dancing in the street?"

Ianto: "I'm SNEAKING! Go look it up!"

Nine: "I hope Ais degenerated, too! I have a present for her!"
Rose: *feels sad*

Jack: *smooch*
Rose: :D

Gwen: :(

Gwen: :D

Ais: "O hai guys! I'm back and I degenerated!"

Gwen: "So, it's a regular LJ entry then, hm?" *still giddy from snogging Jack*

Nine: "Ais! I have a present for you!"

Crowd: "Awwwwwwwww..."

Ais: *happeh*

(Hey, she's blonde, she could so too be me! :P )

Nine: *smooch*

~ teh VERY happeh end ~ ♥!

Nighty-night! *hugs you all* ♥!

rambling, random picspam

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