Annnd it's somebody's birthday!

Feb 15, 2008 21:21

Okay, so it's not really his birthday until tomorrow but I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to be on tomorrow so I'm doing this tonight! ;)

Yep, it's Christopher Eccleston's birthday! (Feb 16, 1964) And I SO appreciate the fact that he's older than me, yay! The older I get, the more I'm really happy when the fellows I like are kind enough to be older or at least not so young that I could be their mother. o_O ;) So, let's ditch RL drama for a while and just have a picspam parteh, what do you say? ♥!

Claude: "Let's get this straight, right here at the start. I. Don't. Want. A. Birthday. Party."

Claude: (con't) "DO NOT WANT!"

Ares: "Well, Geez Louise, Claude. Take a chill pill! Besides, Ais is throwing the party for Nine anyway!"

Nine: "But I don't WANT to have another birthday party! I'm already 900-some years old!"
Rose: (thinking) "If he starts turning into that DO NOT WANT cat again, I'm smacking the back of his head..."

Nine: "Just imagine trying to blow out over 900 candles! It took drastic measures! It was embarrassing, I tell you! And as soon as I'd get 'em out..."

Nine: (con't) "...Dean would light 'em up again!"

Dean: *self-satisfied smirk*

Sam: *squints, mostly blinded from the glare of more than 900 candles* "My brother, the pyro..." *sigh*

Nine: "So you see? I'm not gonna have another birthday party! You'd have to slap handcuffs on me and forcibly make me..."

Nine: "Okay, so maybe mentioning handcuffs wasn't such a good idea."
Rose: *sigh*

Jack: "They're already bringing out the handcuffs at Nine's birthday party!"

Gwen: "Well, what are we waiting for?"

Jack: "Into the Torchwood-mobile!"

Nine: "Well, I guess I can be a sport and have a birthday party. After all, it's not like it's the end of the world, right?"
Rose: (thinking) "Oy, Ais! Bad pun, much????"
Ais: *innocent face* ;)

Ares: "I decided to give Nine a very special present this year: Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "WHAT?"

Ares: "Just kidding. We all know Gabrielle belongs to me. I actually decided to give him..."

Ares: (con't) "...this handy nine compartment paper plate!"

Nine: "Wow, that's...nice. Uhh, thanks."
Rose: *mirth*

Desmond: "For my present, I'm going to sing Nine a song that I wrote especially for him!"

Nine: "Ahem. That's, uh, very special, Des. Thanks!" (whispers) "Should we tell Desmond that he didn't actually write '9 Crimes?'"

Tosh and Ianto: *wondering if they should tell Ais she has the wrong Doctor in that vid*

Ais: "Thanks for pointing that out."

Ianto: *wasn't expecting angry!kitteh!Ais*

Jack: "Please, no more actual cat macros. You're scaring Captain John here..."
Capt. John: "Aww, angry!kitteh!Ais was kinda cute..."

Sawyer: "Here you go, Nine. I got you a subscription to the Dimples of the Month Club!"

Nine: "Uhhhh, gee. Just what I always wanted, thanks."

Sawyer: "Did he just dis my dimples?" *looks broody and hot*

John: "Me and the boys decided to give Nine something he could really use..."

Nine: "Wow, a ginormous gun. Uhhhhh, thanks." o_O

Sam: "It's a 9 millimeter!"

Dean: "Just like mine!"

Bobby: "For cryin' out loud, Ais! Those aren't even CLOSE!"

Ais: "Thanks for pointing that out, Bobby."

Nine: "Sooooooo. I seem to have gotten a lot of presents. But not one from you, Ais."

Ais: "Well, I would've made you a birthday vid if Veronica, teh evol vidding muse, would've had time..."
Veronica: "Don't look at me, I'm just standing here looking gratuitously pretty." ;)

Ais: "And then I thought, hey, what about a giant red 9. But figured you probably have a ton of them lying around. So I decided to do something more personal. More permanent. More... wow-e-wow-o-wow. So here's your present, Nine! Hope you like it!"

Ais: *has tattoo*

Nine: "ZOMGOSH! Best Present EVAH!!!!!"

Nine and Jack: *hugs o' happiness* (Also see mood theme... ;) )

Rose: *faints*

Claude: "You know, birthday parties aren't so bad after all!"

teh end ;)

Happy birthday, Mr. Eccleston, wherever you are! ♥! ;)

random picspam

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