My mini-Ten can dance!

Feb 26, 2008 14:33

No, I swares it's trufax!

I have my little mini-Doctors stationed on either side of my keyboard back by my speakers next to the monitor and right now Nine is on the left and Ten is on the right. And so here I was just hop-skipping-and-a-jumping through teh Interwebs when out of the corner of my eye, I could SWEAR I spotted mini-Ten moving! O_O He kinda...pivoted a bit on one foot like he was getting ready to dance. O_O

I thought, "Nah, I must've moved him earlier or something" and go on my merry way. Well, before too long, he moved again and this time I saw him for sure! The dude's definitely getting ready to bust a move! O_O

Okay, so I finally discovered that my mouse cord had somehow looped back on itself and was poking through the bottom of my speaker and pushing one of his feet around but for those few seconds, I swear I was pulling the same face that Rose is in my icon, lol! o_O ;)

I still subscribe to the theory, though, that mini-Ten just really wants to dance! :D For those of you curious to know what Nine was up to at this time... He and his mini-sonic screwdriver are over terrorizing the crew of the even mini-er ;) Flying Dutchman (because I am a giant geekgirl, I have little Davy Jones, little Bootstrap Bill and little Maccus - shark-headed guy - all with their hands up in surrender, lol! ;) ). Photographic proof of all of these phenomenas below!

~dramatic scrolling~ ;)

*is easily amused* :D Sorry... ;) (And no, the little Dutchman crew don't have their hands up there. Their, uh, arms got tired... ;) )

Other updatey stuff: I've got a little more done on Jen's "I can't believe you think you can write fanfic, even when it's utter crack!" fic, nearly 200 whole words, yay! ;) I've got about 20 Torchwood and 10 Doctor Who icons done but I don't think I'm quite finished yet, lol! ;) So they're not quite ready for prime-time. Eh, maybe sometime this week? Who knows? ;)

Still not quite settled on the direction of my Nine vid so that's still circling the airport, not able to land. o_O ;) However, I was listening to one of my older playlists and found a song that I can totally see as a Skate vid! O_O ('Cause you know, all it takes to make you do a vid for a fandom is you telling enough people, "I'm probably never going to vid for that fandom again!" don't you know? *le sigh* ;) ) I really don't know if I'll even bother to try it; I'll probably set it all up then give up on it as soon as I try to put one clip on the timeline. :S Blargh! :(

Ah well, guess I won't know until I try, huh? ;) And I really should get back to work now, I just had to share the tale of the dancing mini-Ten and godzilla!Nine and the scurrying!around!Flying Dutchman crew... ;) Hope you all are having a great day! *hugs!* ♥!


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