Choose your own Ais picspam adventure! ;)

Dec 03, 2007 15:54

I was just having a look at my pic folders (What, you guys don't just look at your pic folders from time to time? ;) :D ) but decided that instead of ME picking some pics at random for a picspam... why not let YOU guys do it! ;)

So here's the First Ever "Choose Your Own Ais Picspam Adventure!" :P Here's how to play along from the comfort of your own home. ;) I've collected pics from 4 major fandoms over time -- I haven't had much luck finding a lot of BSG pics so right now they're filed away under Misc., which is why they don't have their own folder yet. :( One day! ;)

Anyway, if you would, please pick a number from any of those 4 categories (you can have 4 from the same category, 2 from 2 of them, 1 from each, however you'd like, just have a total of 4 ;) ) and I'll show you the pics that correspond to those numbers in my reply. On Dec 10th (barring RL disasters, of course! ;) ), I'll compile those pics (as well as 4 of my own choices ;) ) into a one large, random picspam and do my best to tell a story with them that ties them all together! ;)

Here are the categories, in alphabetical order: ;)

Doctor Who (and Torchwood): pick a number from 1 - 86

Heroes: pick a number from 1 - 61

Lost: pick a number from 1 - 573

Supernatural: pick a number from 1 - 321

Yes, I have 573 Lost pics. I was surprised by that, too... O_O ;)

You've got a week to get your number choices in! Remember, if nobody plays along, I'll just have to post a ton of half-nekkid!guy pics... Okay, so I'll probably be doing that this week anyway. But still! You don't want to see me make huge, sad puppy dog eyes, do you? The more who play along, the more fun it'll be! ;) Thanks! *hugs!* ♥♥♥!!!

choose your own ais picspam adventure

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