
Nov 30, 2007 23:39

*gasp* Fandom wank has invaded my Doctor Who! It involves a Season 4 spoiler that I won't mention because, well, only jellyfrog would even care and SHE would be the worst one I was spoiling. ;) But bottom line, wank is currently busting a move ALL OVER MY FANDOM. Dude. I got right righteous tired of all the SPN wank even before it became TEH WANK OF DOOOOM!!! o_O ;)

By the way, I'm more than aware that fandom wank is in every fandom. ;) (If it wasn't, they'd have to find another name for it, right? ;) )

Also I made the penultimate mistake that I've been trying to avoid whilst working on a vid: I watched a vid rec for a really spectacular Doctor Who vid and now I feel:

1. Like a talentless twit

2. Like a boring, talentless twit

3. Like a boring, talentless twit who has boring, talentless ideas

4. Like a boring, talentless twit who has boring, talentless ideas and couldn't vid her way out of a paper bag if you gave her a map

5. Did I mention the Doctor Who wank? Wank...right there in my Doctor Who, I mean, can't you dig it? o_O

6. I need coffee

7. Except it's almost midnight and coffee would not really be a wise choice right now if I expect to close my eyes at some point tonight

8. Yet...I still would like some coffee (which is why I love Ianto on Torchwood; he always makes the coffee *waits patiently for a coffee-bearing Ianto to show up* ;) )

9. Speaking of showing up... My mini-Doctors aren't here yet. :( I wants them here NOW, yes, precioussssss... Note: This moment of impatience brought to you by the Gollum Foundation: when you positively, absolutely, need to whine about not having your action figures the Ring in your possession right frickin' now. ;)

10. Despite my choice of mood theme, I'm not actually infuriated, I just wanted to watch Nine yell at somebody... :P

The Uber-Angst is about a bit over half done and I keep hanging up on a couple of key places. *sigh* I've been using some audio clips because they fit in nicely with the story, IMO, and there were some accommodating places in the music for them. But now I'm worried that they're more distracting than helpful, which sucks. :S And the "big" one towards the end is much more of an involved production than I'd like and is waaaaay too choppy despite all of the work I've done to smooth it out. BLARGH! I've wasted all of my vidding time today trying to "save" this one spot! So I'm considering removing the audio part of it but then that'll make it harder for non-Whovians to understand what's happening at this point and will also put it out of balance with the rest of the vid because this will be the only instance in the song where there's no audio clips at that point.


On another note, I just heard a song that I've always liked but never expected to vid before and... Veronica, my evol vidding muse, sucker-punched me with A Naughty Idea for a DW vid. I'm not even sure if I could really pull it off, so it would probably be a waste of time anyway. Ah well, I'm not in business to start yet another DW vid right now, 'cause I'd still like to try and save the Uber-Angst. I may end up doing a no-audio version in addition to the audio one and just have to see which one I like better. :S Although I'd have to change the clips in those spots so I don't have a lot of talky clips with mouths flapping mutely all over the place. :S (You get enough of that anyway... DW just tends to have talky clips everywhere! O_O ;) )

Dude. I'm enjoying watching Nine yell a little too much... :P Fandom wank angers teh Doktor, yep... ;)

Welp, time to go put on my fandomwank!proof PJs and go to bed... ;) Nighty-night! *hugs you all* ♥♥♥!!!


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