The post in which I ramble a bit... then die? O_O

Nov 25, 2007 20:40

I noticed a strange thing when I looked at my LJ calendar over there. *points* Except for a Wednesday at the start, all the posts this month were on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays! So, this being Sunday, guess I'd better post, huh? ;)

I read two great Doctor Who fics today and I'd rec them except they'd both spoil jellyfrog pretty horribly and she'd probably be the only one who'd care to even read them! ;)

Well, crap! Here I was just chatting away with you and my computer crashed! Suddenly it's Blue Screen of Death time, baby! O_O *points up at icon* No, it wasn't LJ drama that killed Jack, it was a BSoD!!! O_O ;)

Fortunately, as you can tell, it restarted okay. *pokes it tentatively* Pardon me as I stop and backup EVERY FRICKIN' THING I can... *runs*

Okay, I'm back now. Geesh, I hate it when that happens like that! *pets computer* Don't die on me, my luff! Don't ever, ever, never die! *huggles computer* ♥!

I was working on the Uber-Angst (as this Nine/Rose vid is now "officially" codenamed ;) ) when we had the BSoD but fortunately I is a good viddergirl and had saved it, so didn't lose anything. ;) I swear, this is such a saaaaaaad vid! :( Well, to me, anyway. ;) I hope it'll come out well! *sniffles* ;)

I'm on a big Nine kick today (you know, unlike all those other days... :P *snort* ;) ) since I've been sorting through the season 1 footage. I really do love "The Parting of the Ways" (the season 1 finale where Nine changes into Ten at the end for those of you who don't particularly care already know ;) ), despite the way it ends. And "Christmas Invasion" (which is the first full ep with Ten, fitting in between season 1 and 2) is another one I like watching over again -- I can't help but laugh every time Rose's mom Jackie squeaks out, "I'm going be killed by a Christmas tree!!!" *gigglesnort*

I wish I could just vid faster because I'd love to get the Uber-Angst done so that I can finish up the Fluffy-Smushy vid next (yes, another fluffy-smushy Nine/Rose vid similar to "Bubbly" ;) ). After that, well, then I promise I'll attempt to at least try to vid something else! ;) It's strange because I've always been a real stickler for trying to not do the same vid over again. I've rarely, if ever, vidded the same character twice in a row in my vidding "career." *snorts* ;) I usually change characters AND types of vid every time I move along to the next one. So it's odd to me that I'm just SO enjoying covering Nine and Rose over and over again instead of moving to different characters in that same show, you know? Very odd!

It's almost like it's because I'm making these vids just for me, kinda like how I've done montages of shows that I really like with my VCR. You see, I always used to go through scenes from my favorite shows and copy out my favorite scenes so that: (list time! :D )

1) I'd stop wearing out my taped copies *blush*

2) it was just cool to have a montage of my favorite scenes to watch over and over again

3) I'm just obsessive-compulsive about things like that, I guess... ;) It made me feel like I was "creating" something out of these shows I loved (my very first "vids" without music! ;) )

Anyway, that's what these Doctor Who vids feel like to me, in a way: they're things I'm putting together and assembling JUST because it pleases me to see these scenes set to these songs and really for no other reason. They're just totally made out of love with no worries about them competing with other vids or anything. Me likely that part really well, I have to admit. ;)

Moving along, I decided to finally separate my icons into fandoms instead of being lumped into one massively disorganized folder, and thus found out that I have 105 Doctor Who-related icons! O_O What? I could stop collecting them any time I want! *clings to icons* ;)

I'd like to add some NCIS icons as well. ;) I really do love that show but I can't see that it's going to be very easy to vid because it's a procedural show (kinda similar to the various CSI's) and so most of the shots look very much the same from one ep to another. :S Not a lot to work with, viddingwise, you know? :S So I think showing my love through icons is a better idea than making myself completely nutters attempting to vid it! ;) (Although, I actually DID have an idea for an NCIS/Supernatural crossover I always expected to try one day... :P *covers Veronica the muse's ears so she doesn't hear that* It was going to be difficult sell to say the least but one that almost seemed doable at the same time! ;) )

Annnnnnd I just realized I tagged this entry with "ramming" instead of "rambling." O_O What that says about my psyche, I'd rather not know, lol! ;)

Hee, I'm amused by my moodtheme with Rose passing out into Jack's arms... ;) You know, I ship Nine/Rose (yes, thank you, Captain Obvious, huh? ;) :P ) but failing that I love Jack/Rose and *ahem* Nine/Rose/Jack (OT3, FTW!). Poor Jack, he's just not the same happy-go-lucky fellow in Torchwood that he was with Nine and Rose. :( *pets him* This is probably a bad time to admit that I really kinda/sorta ship Jack/AU!Gwen/Ianto for some weird reason over on Torchwood, huh? ;) (Gwen just should be a better character than she's written a lot of times, IMO. :S So I tend to think of the Gwen I really like as almost being an AU version... Yeah, that's not strange or anything, right? O_O ;) ) Anyway, Jack just works well in OT3's, IMO, what can I say? :P I swear, he's like the Claire of the Doctor Who/Torchwood worlds, I really can pretty much ship Jack/ANYBODY when it comes down to it! ;)

Welp, back to work, then! Hope you guys are having a great night! LJ seems a little quiet tonight, even the comms aren't moving very fast. Maybe a lot of people are away or something? Who knows? ;) Nighty-night! *big hugs!* ♥♥♥!!!

real life, rambling

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