ZOMG, no flailing allowed???

Nov 20, 2007 21:51

Icon by ckrazy32

How can we have a random picspam and no flailing? That's probably a crime, isn't it? O_O ;)

I've had a kinda bad couple of days so thought, hey I need a random, silly picspam, preferably with some of my favorite hawt!guys being all, you know, hawt! to make me feel better! ;)

Dean: "I has paper-clip?"

Sam: *wants paper-clip*

Dean: "Hah! Paper-clip is gone! I has *grabby hands* nao!"

Sam: *WANTS PAPER-CLIP!!!1eleventyone1!11!mevieONEONEONE!!!*

Dean: *DENIED!* "Paper-clip iz miiiiiine!!!"

John: "You know, if I weren't already dead... this would probably kill me."

Dean: "Sam so totally started it."

Sam: "That is SO not true!"

Guy in background: "ZOMG, I can't stand it when they fight! This is just horrible!" *tries to go to a happy place*

Sam: "..."

Dean: "Dude, that was your happy place???"

Ais: "Uh, sorry. I think he took a turn into my happy place there... You know? My happy place where you're likely to find--"

Ais: (con't) "Winchesters..."

Ais: (con't) "A Southern bad boy with dimples..."

Ais: (con't) "Lee Adama and his Mighty Mighty Towel of Hubba-Hubba..."

Ais: (con't) *instant replay* ;)

Ais: (con't) "...and, of course, my guy, Nine!" *draws hearts around him* ♥♥♥!!!

Ares: "Dang it, if I don't hurry, I'm never gonna make Ais' Happy Place list!"

Logan: *throws guys out of his way so to get a spot on the Happy Place list*

Norrington: "I shall stand here and look sexily scruffy until I'm on the Happy Place list!"

Gandalf: "I can has spot on Happy Place list? If not, can I has paper-clip?"

Dean: "I is buyin box of paper-clips B4 next picspam, I SWARES!"

teh end *snorts* Ahem.

Nighty-night and sweet dreams! *hugs flist* ♥!

random picspam

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