Should angst be this...happy?

Nov 27, 2007 23:26

Eeeeee! I'm so terribly pleased with an effect I just did for the Uber-Angst! It took two separate reference shots combined into one, two of the video tracks, some careful cookie-cuttering on a moving target (without being able to mask, which is a feature that my Baby Vegas doesn't have, sad to say :( ) but it worked! *has teh vidding squee!*

Of course, as soon as I was happy about that Veronica my cranky vidding muse reminded me that this is a "for nothing" vid and I'm totally wasting a good effect on it. :S Gee, thanks, Veronica. Way to bring down my happy. :( But I'm leaving it. Just because this isn't a vid that's meant "for" something, that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the best love and skill I can put in it, right? And I just pour love into these Doctor Who vids, it's still so strange to realize that! I guess Lost vids became "work" a long time ago without my even realizing it. :S That's not to say that I haven't usually enjoyed something about all the vids I've done, of course. But it's been a loooooong time since I knew I was just vidding for the love of it.

It's been a weird day today. I've actually got a lot of stuff done that I was "supposed" to yet I still felt all restless like I was just swamped with things. *sigh* I actually didn't feel any better until I was able to stop and work on the Uber-Angst. I guess it's kinda therapy in some weird way! ;) I mean, it is a SAD vid, so melancholy, so final yet it makes me feel better to work on it. I guess it's kinda giving all of those sad feelings a place to go, rather than let them focus on the things in my life that ARE making me sad. Holy crap, did I just psychoanalyze myself through my vidding? Lol! ;)

Ooo, something that I'm all a-twitterpated for: I ordered those action figures, yay! Hopefully before too much longer I'll have my very own little mini-Nine AND mini-Ten to call my own! Still can't find a Rose, though. :S Nine and Ten were a good deal (only $3 more than Nine by himself, strangely enough and the shipping and handling stayed the same) but I can't find Rose available in the States in anything other than that set of 3 with either Ten and the Slitheen or Ten and Cassandra and once you put the s&h on that it goes waaaaaaay more than I want to pay! :( Ah well, maybe they'll release another version of her in the States or something? I mean, they're still releasing Nine here and he's been gone since season 1 *sniff* (and they're about to start season 4). So there's always hope! Though I may have to buy Martha and let her hang out with the pair of Docs ;) until I can put Rose with Nine and let Martha have Ten. ;) They DO make a Jack but it looks SO not like him that it barely seems worth the money. :S

I love my Ianto icon! *points* You don't often find good "mischievous" pics or caps of the poor guy. He's had lots of angst in the show, you know? ;)

Welp, I was going to random picspams ya ;) but I'm out of time. :( Better get my viddergirl self on to bed since I've gotta get up early tomorrow. Ooo, newsflash, they just MIGHT have the final paperwork on all those house repairs to be signed tomorrow! Of course, they still haven't finished off the last of the things they're supposed to do but that stuff is covered by our warranty and shouldn't be affected by signing the final papers. She says, with her fingers crossed that these people know what they're talking about. O_O But wouldn't it be lovely to know that it's finally finished after 7 MONTHS??? *dies*

Ah, I can't leave without giving you SOMETHING pretty to look at! I can't remember where these motivationals came from, I'm sorry to say. :( I've had 'em for a long time (which is why they're all season 1 material ;) ) and, like a numbskull, I forgot to put in the name of the place where I found them at. :S So, my eternal thanks to the unknown makers of these awesome mock motivationals! (Also, this is the size they were when I got them; I didn't resize them smaller or anything, in case you're wondering. ;) So, sorry for the occasional very tiny text. :( ;) )

*snort* I love John, you know, but that one makes me laugh 'cause it's so true!!! ;)

The line forms right behind me... ;)

*giggles* His expression fits that so well... ;)

Again, my sincerest thanks to the unknown creators of all of those. ;) If I can find where they came from, I'll come back and credit! :D

Nighty-night! *hugs everybody* ♥♥♥!!!

rambling, picspam, vid talk

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