Due to a bit of a snafu, I spent the day renumbering artifacts. I had such a headache from the acetone by the time I was done. But they're finished now. Tomorrow, I have to wrap up my search for all things Indonesian. I had thought that I would be finished by today, but the Lazy Cataloguer struck again, leading to the belated discovery of further items (curse you, Lazy Cataloguer!). My repeated rummagings through the card catalogue has yielded some fascinating things, though. My favourite is the card that reads, "Pierced Ostrich Egg: To be deaccessioned, was 'sat' on by G. Will!!!". Judging by the handwriting, the curator was a more than a little pissed.
Also had the following conversation today with Adorable T.A.:
A.T.A.: "So, what are you doing right now?"
Me: "Looking for artifacts in the museum. It's like a scavenger hunt, only not fun."
A.T.A.: "And there's no prize."
(I realize I haven't mentioned Adorable T.A. before. He was one of the best T.A.'s I have ever had, and one day they will sing songs about him. He is also a huge sci-fi geek, and we had several conversations where the geekiness got to dangerously high levels. I developed the tiniest bit of a crush on him, even if he is a post-modernist).
Anyway, it's late, so I'm going to bed. I leave you with a pretty picture of a Christmas tree on campus: