Jun 01, 2009 16:40
I am having a hellacious time sleeping the last few weeks. Before that, for six months, I was waking up between 2 & 4, then not being able to get back to sleep for a couple hours. Now it's waking twice a night, and just when I get back to sleep during the day, someone calls.
It is partly issues from the past, partly that my personalities have different sleeping times, I think. Some of them are dealing with old issues. I wish I knew which one was suffering the cold fear in the pit of the stomach all of the time. I feel like I could do something about that.
Got some laundry, weeding, dishes and other housework done or started, and did a lot of journalling about issues in the paper journal. The paper journal rihgt now is just on copier paper, not really a journal. I gave away 2 journals that were cranberry red, a lovely color but one that one of my personalities absolutely hated. Oddly enough, I have had trouble with that color all my life, weird things happen when I wear it and someone else has given it to me or I've borrowed it. Really bad things, and I didn't realize that it happened till several years after the last incident.
I wore it to a friend's house last week and I had a really emotional time, I was so loose-lipped and talked too much. After that I found out which personality didn't like the color, and I talked to her about it, and put her in therapy, Kingdom-only isolation, which means she can only talk to Jesus, or persons or influences from the Kngdom of Heaven, if that makes any sense to you who aren't familiar with it. This seems to work pretty well, calms people down. And is my own invention! It isn't magic, but it's the basis of what the whole MPD therapy is all about.