(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 22:29

just for your own personal satisfaction, i do read your entries! [to the people who still provide the lj administrators with some remnants of dignity after being succeeded by the myspace generation]
i hardly write however. perhaps i should. no, i really should. but theres so little to write about except my daily physical blunders. and those everyday blunders where i seem to lack common sense and provide my mom with a constant source of annoyance. but i suppose that my tranquil conscience and peace of mind will be maintained if i simply blame my absent-mindedness solely on summer. that will do.
this summer was spent going to india and then occupying myself with volunteer work, and homework. the latter is finished, except for one last thing that i plan to complete just before i am locked in an educational penetentiary. the former, i still continue; volunteering isnt so horrid. its a nice alternative to sitting home during all my daylight hours without doing anything productive, but still being tortured by the sight of a PSAT book a mere five feet away which slowly accumulates dust.
i think i miss india. i mean, i would prefer easier access to toilet paper, but nonetheless, life there is accompanied by simplicity which i find immensely refreshing. the outskirts of cities and all the villages seem to have simply...missed the industrial improvements in india. and of course, none of this is remotely comparable to the FOOD. enough said. if i even ATTEMPTED to explain the delectable sweets of india,...weell....its just a lost cause. thats all. they even have better CHINESE food in india. and by that, i mean better restaurant chinese food. i have yet to taste homemade, informal chinese food. and while i remain on the subject of the chinese, might i add that india is now full of chinese and nepalese! i mean, you turn around, and BAM! an asian appears and starts talking in bengali or hindi. its somewhat amusing. =)
FUN, i suppose, is a word i CAN use to describe my summer. except its more along the lines of fun with my family rather than with my friends. not family fun. fun WITH MY FAMILY. the former promotes a sense of too much organization and toddler-like atmosphere.i may have been avoiding being with all my friends, just to savor the company of my brother! since he is going away this week :( but i do intend to hang out with them sometime. at some point. i hope!
sleep is pressing me, and i am obliged to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. well...its more like eight o'clock. but during summer, i do not think others will find me ridiculous if i translate eight o'clock to the crack of dawn.

i promise to update more! this was relatively enjoyable =)
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