(no subject)

Mar 19, 2006 10:23

C/M is today and i am scared beyond reason. Well, im scared for the 
practical part anyway. Theory is easy. I hate C/M. it's ten times worse 
than any final or big exam. on a lighter note, last weekend was 
wonderfully eventful. I was actually SOCIAL. i spent the day at laurens 
house on friday with karen. and we watched BP and attempted to 
see what combination of hats looked the most attractive on our heads.
We kept a picture documentary of the hat adventure, but sometimes 
the shiny light in laurens room caught our attention. [ADD? i think not.]
karen and i also spent a respectable amount of time on lauren's 
computer, trying to find two certain people =). i succeeded; however 
karen did not. =( On saturday, mohini came over in the evening! and
then we started watching movies at midnight, and didnt finish until 
4-5 in the morning. i believe that is the longest time i have stayed 
awake since...oh, september. last friday was the carnival. it didnt start 
until 4, so matt and i were practicing piano in the band room, because 
we both have cm today. matt's evaluation was at 8 in the morning i 
think, so hes probably all done by now. Carolyn, rebecca, and jason 
also stayed after school, and i know the 2 formers were madly taking 
pictures, but the latter was listening to our c/m preparations most of 
the time.
and heather came!! heather, who i have not seen since....october!! 
that was super cool, and i apologize for making you carry all of our 
wallets and cellphones in your bag! sadly, you were the only one who 
had a bag =) karen and i, being volunteers, were supposed to pick up 
trash. but, well, the carnival grounds were spotless! so we went on 
rides instead with our friends. 
Four tests were given in the past week in school, and 1 more will be 
given today. if i survive all, then i will be SUPER happy. my anxiety 
increases by the moment. 
should i go to seussical on tuesday? im not too keen on going, but 
karen is forcing me to, and you all know how karen verbally abuses 
people in korean, and then gets all aggressive.

enjoy your last few precious hours of the weekend before you have to 
drag yourself to school and face the wrath of monotonous educators.
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