(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 16:00

update schmupdate.

oof..i havent updated in a while! a voice in my head keeps telling me i should, but the decision is overruled by those other little voices in my head who believe in laziness!! no, i am not insane. anywayyy. my whole house smells like smoke and heavy gasses right now, because my mom left the gas on the stove on when she went out. yeah. the house mightve burned down, but hey, it didnt! she got home in time to turn it off. its really cold today. and im really freaked for the piano exam coming up in march because my baroque and comtemporary pieces are unfinished, and i cant even do my technique in time!! yay!! *sighh* uhhh...im probably one of the only people who sits home almost EVERY friday night usually doing homework and practicing extracurricular activities. and then spending the rest of her weekend doing miscellanious (but producive) stuff. i need to go through a reformation. or maybe one day, people like me will have habits SO different from the rest of the world, that we'll begin to evolve differently! oh what centuries, or more likely, milleniums, those years would be! chances that would happen are very slim to mostly none, but at least i can be open-minded! :) rebecca hebrank saw me supposedly talking to someone in PE and kept looking about attempting to spot the person i was speaking to, but there was no one there. i am convinced i was not talking to anyone and my mouth was shut the whole time, because, i really dont remember talking to someone! however, she is also convinced of what she saw, and now i am believed to be schizophrenic. the pleasantries go on and on. i taught karen lee today what "puff the magic dragon" meant, and i must tell you this, because i am not usually the one to explain such things to people. usually, other people are explaining the "urbandictionary" to me. she thought it meant that a dragon "popped" out of thin air, but all confusions were cleared after rebecca and i explained. i was reading an article the other day in "parade" about "the 10 worst dictators in the world". i wont take the time to tell you all about it now, but i advise you to go and read it, its quite interesting. also, i am constantly finding lint in my hair whenever i look at it, and a LOT of time flies when i try to get each visible piece out of it. what a way to spend one's time, do you not agree? my plans for tonight or just later this weekend: continuously edit my romeo and juliet essay, study for bio AP, and do hours of community service when im not studying for piano, or choir tests, or making up 2 weeks of missed dance classes. and so i suppose i have a moral out of this whole entry:
refrain from planning and acquiring a weekend as dull and pathetic as my own.

My life has (once again) been reduced to a series of deadlines loosely strung together by a serious lack of sleep.
-not a quote, merely a statement of fact.

au revoir, tout le monde!
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