Apr 25, 2013 09:48
Yesterday I finally had my hands free long enough to finish sewing the edges of the flannelette baby wipes which had been sitting on my sewing table for a month. James is back to being up every couple of hours at night this last week. I've been napping with him so as not to burn out. That being said the last of my original pre-cure prep list has been completed!
- Sort & store kid's clothes
- Clean under the bed & mattress
- Deal with the sock mountain
- Fix Will's bed frame
- Swap out winter and maternity clothes = purge
- File stack of papers in the office
- Sew last of the baby wipes
Though I'm still waiting on Krotious to deal with his clothes/dresser, but there is still time =) I've unofficially added one more item to the list; The upstairs closet and stash storage. If I get the time/energy to complete it I'll post. Otherwise it may become my "special" project during the cure. But I think I can condense my now smaller yarn, fiber, fabric and craft stash to fit in the closet. *Fingers Crossed*
Now if only my little friend here would nap... so tired... baby will get me...
may cure