Aug 09, 2006 16:37
I am in such an odd mood today.
I miss everyone so much but at the same time I am perfectly content being alone. I suppose it is the first time in my life that I have been content by myself. I mean, sure, going out to lunch with a friend is still fun and I'd go if someone asked me to but I wouldn't go out looking for someone to join me. It's so strange to feel that but it's even more strange that I can admit that. I like company but I don't crave it. I like being involved with someone but I don't need it to get through the day. I like spending time with lots of people but I don't feel pressured to find someone to hang out with in my spare time.
To be honest, the person that I miss the most is someone I didn't think I would miss at all. But if I never saw that person again, it would be okay. that odd?