Give Me Standard Time!

Nov 06, 2022 12:46

I'm so glad to be back on Standard Time! And not just because I got an extra hour's sleep! I would gladly give up getting the hour back if I never had to give it up in the first place.

I know a lot of people love DST, including my mother, a night owl. But even my mother hates the idea of year-round DST, because she remembers when they tried it. It was such a disaster that they pulled the plug before the two year trial period was up: "The US Tried Permanent Daylight Saving Time in the ’70s. People Hated It".

DST is bad for the body, as The Washington Post shows in a great story with a set of infographics: "Why Daylight Saving Time Is Worse for Your Body than Standard Time".

Both of Florida's senators, Voldemort (Rick Scott) and Marco Bible-Thumper Rubio,* support year-round DST, because of course they do.

* Rubio quotes the Bible on Twitter a lot. He frequently does not understand the verses he quotes the same way I do.


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