Quantum Leap (2022)

Nov 06, 2022 14:06

I have a new show to love. There's a lot of great tv out there! I still need to post about Ms. Marvel (if you haven't watched yet, WATCH NOW; this post will still be here when you get back) and probably others. I know it's not the best show I've been watching.

But Quantum Leap surprised the heck out of me. I went from "I'll grudgingly watch this" to "Hey, Ernie Hudson! I have to watch this-but I'm still doubtful" to "What do you mean fall finale this week?! I'm going to go into withdrawal!"

I was still very ambivalent when we finally got to see the first episode (we missed it somehow and had to find a rerun), but then that first scene: the team just loved each other. Obviously the two celebrating their engagement, sure! But the evident fondness among all five of them, laughing together and sharing inside jokes from the start. It started to suck me in. By the third episode, I was completely hooked.

In any other show, I can easily imagine Ben and Addison being my favorite characters. I love them-and yet they're my least favorite characters?

Ian is my favorite. They're adorable, ok? Emergency cat ears?! I was sputtering during that scene, but then it occurred to me: Addison comes out all upset and could have been furious, and the cat ears stop her cold. If only I thought cat ears would stop my colleagues being upset with me! I love Ian's enthusiasm and optimism (even if I feel old and cynical by comparison). And they care so deeply about the others while being so quirky it doesn't get saccharine.

I thought Magic would be my favorite, and he's a close second. I first remember seeing Ernie Hudson in Ghostbusters, where I loved him, and we're years behind on Grace and Frankie, but I loved him there too and SPOILER was sorry when he was written out. I did not remember the original show well enough to recognize the name and didn't see any spoilers, and when Magic told Ian about saying yes to a push in Vietnam that turned out to be Sam Beckett, I just mentally flailed all over the place. That scene had me over the moon! I also liked how they did not in fact blackmail the congresswoman. I can imagine him thinking, "Blackmail's not my style. Bribery? Now that is." It's an everybody wins scenario-if they manage to get control of the leaps. No pressure, Ian!

I want to see more of both Magic and Ian and Jenn, who clearly has a lot more backstory than we've heard so far. She's pretty awesome. How did she get into crime? How did Magic know her and trust her enough to put her charge of security?

The writers are taking care to build both a team dynamic and individual relationships: Jenn and Ian fist-bumping when Magic says "Leaper X" because they've clearly talked about whether they can get him to do this, Addison trusting only Ian at first with the thumb drive (and then the others), Jenn and Addison planning to get dinner and watch tv.

I was dubious about Ben and Addison's relationship. I can't imagine even a quasi-military project allowing it in real life. I'm telling myself they were quantum bonded or whatever before they got engaged, or at least before anyone above them knew they were engaged. But I've been sucked in by their love as I have been by the whole show. If they were any sweeter, they'd set my teeth on edge, but they haven't crossed that line yet (much). (for me; your mileage may vary)

I also love how much the writers honor the original show. I know they approached Scott Bakula and he said no. I'm still holding on to some hope he'll change his mind. He was, of course, very gracious about it, publicly wishing the new cast the best.

I want to believe that pre-swiss-cheese Ben and Janis had really good reasons for what they did, and that Al Calavicci's daughter is not really a villain but a misguided good guy. (But seriously, drugging her mother? That's messed up-too easy to get wrong and do permanent harm, and she certainly did lasting harm to their relationship. She obviously needs some counseling. Beth shouldn't have ensured she was cut out of the project, but this project really does eat people alive.)

I want them to find Sam! I want Sam then to give Ben occasional advice! But I don't want Ben to stop leaping. And I want this show to go on longer than the original.

In case you want more QL maunderings:
The OG Quantum Leap
My relationship with the original Quantum Leap was a little complicated. I enjoyed it! And yet I didn't have to watch every episode. Some of them I watched only because my best friend loved the show to pieces. (Hi, best friend! I think you left LJ ages ago and didn't make it to DW, but if you are here, please show yourself!) It had some really dubious moments. I don't want to think too much about some of the stuff Al said. And sometimes it forgot its own rules: there's no excuse for Sam in the body of a man with no legs to walk with legs he doesn't physically have, ok?

So I didn't see all the episodes, but I was there for the finale, and I cried. It was at the ending that I realized how much the show meant to me. I've rewatched almost none of it (which I keep meaning to fix, but time is not on my side!). I loved Sam and Al and their relationship-while the show didn't steal my heart, their relationship did. They gave each other loads of dren but would do anything for each other (except that one thing that Sam only did in the finale, and the tears streamed down my face). And I still remember how powerful some of the episodes were: the two-parter in Vietnam, episodes that deal with civil rights, and the ending. (With great power comes great responsibility, writers! You shouldn't have ended it that way!)

quantum leap

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