(no subject)

Jul 02, 2011 12:39

 Just needed to say that I braved the class - I did it and it wasn't half as humiliating as I thought.  I loved the class actually.  It was the perfect blend of yoga and pilates.... especially for a beginner or an out of shaper like me.  The class started out with soft core yoga - a few planks, warrior poses, downward facing dog, etc but nothing too intense.  And then the last 30 minutes was pilates using bands and whatnot and we worked a lot of core, arms, and legs.  Don't get me wrong - at the end of the class I was sweating like crazy and my legs felt like jello.  So much that I had a difficult time walking down the stairs because my legs were shaking so.  I decided it was soooo wrong to take the elevator at the gym!  But I feel good... I am so glad that I tossed my fear aside and I went... and I just might make that a regular part of my Saturday mornings.  Yay!

Caty had a sleepover last night with one of her friends.  When I went to pick her up after my class was over, she was acting like SUCH a brat.  Wouldn't listen... didn't want to come home... hiding under her friend's bed.  At first it was sort of cute and funny but then it just got annoying that my child was acting like this in front of other people when she NEVER acts like that at home.  I threw out there some consequences of her nasty behavior but she continued to do it.  I determined that because I very rarely ever have to punish her, she doesn't actually believe me when I say that I am going to.  She is now in a bit of trouble.  I have taken away her iPods, her DS, and removed all internet data access from her phone.  I told her that I would take them for a week... I know that as long as she proves to me that she understands that was not acceptable behavior then i will give them back sooner than that.  It really does hurt my heart to have to punish her.  When my mom used to tell me that my punishment hurt her more than it hurt me, I never did believe her.  Now I know exactly what she meant.  It hurts your heart when you feel like you have done everything in your power to raise a GOOD child and then they disappoint you.  I really am lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and I know that there are FAR worse things that she could do.  I just don't want her to think that her behavior was ok.

Here is a pic of my precious one and her little friend.  My sweet Caty is the dark haired beauty on the left.  The one who now has none of her "toys"...

pics, gym, caty

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