Aearwen's LIttle Bits - a double-drabble: Reverie

Aug 07, 2010 21:34

This week's double-drabble explores Elrond's thoughts.

Your mother should be here to see you now, with your crown, the white staff, and Narsil reforged.

Gilraen never knew, as she spoke of your father to you over the years the way she did, that I saw not Arathorn in your face as you grew into manhood. In the way you lift your chin when you face a challenge, the way you tip your head to the side when you don't quite understand, the glint in your eye when you plot mischief against your deserving brothers - I saw Elros.

Like Elros, you stand at the threshold of founding a new legacy, as fine and lofty as any which have come before. You have earned the crown, the staff and the sword. I am proud of you, my son. So very proud.

And only to such a one would I entrust the life and happiness of my greatest treasure. I look into her eyes and know that this is as was meant to be. But I know my Undómiel takes with her the last of the happiness I have to give to this world.

I shall celebrate, for this day; and I will grieve for you both forever.

drabbles. little bits

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