The Question Meme

Aug 12, 2010 14:11

tracey_claybon had this posted to her LJ, so I figured what the heck...

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes. Married for 32 years now, and still happy.

02) What was your dream growing up? Being a professional musician or writer.

03) What talent do you wish you had? I wish I were more organized.

04) If I bought you a drink what would it be? A strawberry daiqueri

05) Favorite vegetable? broccoli

06) What was the last book you read? Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind (still reading it).

07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer

08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where. Pierced ears

09) Worst Habit? Procrastination

10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride? If I knew you by sight, absolutely.

11) What is your favorite sport? Gymnastics

12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? Depends on the day's events, but generally optimistic

13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? Have a great conversation.

14) Worst thing to ever happen to you? Be a victim of a violent assault.

15) Tell me one weird fact about you. Learned to read music before I knew my ABCs.

16) Do you have any pets? 2 - both cats: Sadie - indoors only - 4 yr old Bengal, and Princess - outdoors only - 10 yr old grey & black long-hair

17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly? I'd invite you in for coffee and conversation

18) What was your first impression of me? a very nice person

19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Depends. Are they Tim Curry under the makeup? :-D

20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? lose weight

21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? Conscience, definitely.

22) What color eyes do you have? dark brown

23) Ever been arrested? no

24) Bottle or can soda? neither. I prefer water.

25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Donate $1000 to my favorite charity, renovate my house (it's over 100 yrs old), put some away for each kid (I have 3) and get needed repairs done to my car.

26) What's your favorite place to hang out at? Red Dirt Coffee House (I'm there every Saturday morning.)

27) Do you believe in ghosts? pretty hard to live in a haunted house and not believe.

28) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Write, play piano, do beadwork, read, watch TV.

29) Do you swear a lot? Sometimes. Depends on my mood & the situation

30) Biggest pet peeve? self-absorbed people

31) In one word, how would you describe yourself? friendly

32) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes

33) Favorite and least favorite food? Favorite: Katsudon Least Favorite: sauerkraut

34) Do you believe in God? I believe in something, but I refuse to put a name to It.

35) Will you re-post this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? Just did.


If you're on my friends list, I want to know 35 things about you. It doesn't matter if we never talk or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine.

Comment here with your answers and/or repost the questionnaire on your own journal.

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
02) What was your dream growing up?
03) What talent do you wish you had?
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
05) Favorite vegetable?
06) What was the last book you read?
07) What zodiac sign are you?
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
09) Worst Habit?
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
11) What is your favorite sport?
12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude?
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
16) Do you have any pets?
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
18) What was your first impression of me?
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
22) What color eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
24) Bottle or can soda?
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
26) What's your favorite place to hang out at?
27) Do you believe in ghosts?
28) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
29) Do you swear a lot?
30) Biggest pet peeve?
31) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
33) Favorite and least favorite food?
34) Do you believe in God?
35) Will you re-post this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?


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