NaNo - Day 7

Nov 07, 2013 15:40

Well, I finally got my word count done, plus a bit; but it took a lot longer than usual, and it was interrupted several times. Darn it.

For one thing, after weeks of doing dishes in the latter part of the morning, suddenly my dear hubby wants to do them first thing in the morning - which is, of course, right about the time I want to be focusing on writing After hearing for two days running that "you don't help me anymore," I figured what the Hell... Might as well put off starting until he's done messing around behind me. (My computer is in the alcove just off the kitchen.)

That seemed to set the stage for the way things went. JJ felt comfortable coming up and asking me this, that and the other. I got a call from Vanna in OR, ostensibly because I've given her the possible commission of doing cover art for my NaNo book, but also because she was wanting to just yak while shopping. I need to send her an email after I finish this, with quick, cheap, and easy recipes for cook-it-yourself meals that will keep her fed and WARM as the weather gets worse up there. Evidently her house-mates are addicted to fast/junk food. :-p

Then, finally, I was able to settle down and finish today's words - just in time to get ready and head out to Halcyon where I'm working with a lovely older Russian lady. I'm helping her learn English, and she's teaching me some Russian in return. I dug out some of my old ESL texts and copied the first one for her, and we've been slowly working through it. She does the exercises in English, and then my task is to follow along and do the same thing in Russian. My self-appointed task this next week - sometime after my word count is accomplished - is to make myself some flash cards. The amount of vocabulary is getting downright daunting!

(Small aside: I sure wish I had someone I could study Sindarin or even Quenya with like this! I might actually learn those languages!)

Back to NaNo...

I'm liking the way the story is coming about. I'm starting to get to where some of the conflict is starting to raise its head - along with beginning to work with a newer character that wasn't in the original version of the story: the true "bad guy" behind all the climax events along the way. It's also interesting to see where I'm ignoring the outline when something presents itself in a different and better way than what I've planned. I do love the process of getting the words down. I almost invariably end up just as surprised as my readers in the long run.

Found another Spotify playlist for myself to write to - altho some of the really earlier stuff I don't like as well. It's called World Music for the New Age - a little more musical than, but much the same idea. Solo voices singing syllables/words I have no way of understanding - which means I can appreciate the voice as an instrument rather than struggle to understand the message when trying to cobble together my own words.

All in all, a pretty good day. The clouds are coming in; the weatherman says we're not scheduled for rain, but the temps will begin to fall a bit. That's okay - I'm ready for Autumn to really land on us. The leaves on the grape arbor are turning and beginning to fall. I wish more folks would like to come help themselves - I'll go pick some for juicing, but I'm afraid the vine is loaded and will most likely ferment in place. The mockingbirds will LOVE that! Nothing funnier than a drunken mockingbird doing battle with his reflection in the garage window... :-p

Finally, for the record, my word count stands at:

14517 / 50000 words. 29% done!

Cya all later - probably tomorrow. Have a good one.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, nanowrimo, writing, grumbling

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