NaNo - Day 8

Nov 08, 2013 14:09

It looks as if my dear hubby is proud of himself for convincing me to not start writing right away, but rather do dishes with him first. When I came out to the kitchen, it was the first thing he started to do. I give up. Okay... Dishes first, then word count.

I have a few chores I need to get to today: changing filters on fish tanks, paying some bills, going to the bank for JJ. Nothing earth-shattering, but all of it stuff that really needs to get done sooner than later.

Confession time: I'm a Master Procrastinator.

Which is, of course, why I'm sitting here writing a blog rather than sorting through the bills or rinsing the activated charcoal components of the fish tank filters. And I freely admit that it's why I'm not all dressed and climbing into the van to head off to the bank so JJ can (1) go to his Special Olympics Halloween party tonite; and (2) afford the bus fare to go visit his friend in SLO on Saturday.

Another thing I need to do somewhere along here sometime: order that new desktop computer unit from NewEgg. My old Vista system here is slowly dying - giving me random freezes and being very finicky - and I'm giving into the need to update my technology. I considered getting one of the newer laptop/tablet hybrids, along with a decent external HDD, but decided in the interests of financial wellbeing to content myself with another box unit and the decent external HDD.

I did, however, get in contact with my computer "guru" by email, requesting whether he had any used flat-screen monitors he'd be willing to part with. My dying system can be relocated to my bedroom. It's not completely dead yet, and so having it still available (especially to get programs off of it later, when I didn't realize right away I needed them) seems to be a reasonable idea.

But not now. Right now, I think I'm gonna get dressed and get to the bank. Get through the out-of-the-house junk first. Then, maybe, bills? Folks do like it when they get paid - and it would be a good thing to get those property taxes out of the way ASAP, yes?

Today's word count:

16884 / 50000 words. 34% done!

Talk to you all tomorrow.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, nanowrimo, writing

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