
Apr 01, 2009 20:05

I'm not becoming Miss Thing-a-Day, I swear to god. I'd never get past the first two days before deciding I needed to learn silicone casting or something. (Which, duh.)

Things I should do tonight:
-Make tea
-Make dinner for the next couple of days
-Finish the recycled lunchbag I started sewing last night (it's already all done but the quilting and the zipper! I've never done quilting before! Whee! (also, my sewing machine rocks like a rocking thing))
-Write a short email and a long email
-Toss out another proto circuit for IR stuff (finally) (scandalously NOT done)
-Try doing something with the RGB LEDs I have kicking around
-Figure out what-all needs to go into Massive Order from Sparkfun
-Place Massive Order at Sparkfun
-Place smaller order at Adafruit

Things I am actually certain I will do:
-Make tea Bancha is still the prettiest.

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