Magic meets technology...

Mar 06, 2009 23:25

Characters: Draco Malfoy (sly_and_proud ), Ace (blueboxbomb )
When: shortly after this
Where: Rosalie's clinic
Rating: K+
Summary: Ace tries to teach Draco how to use the PCD

After the brief conversation with Ace, Draco sat in his darkened room for a good ten minutes. Even after the few days he had been living in the clinic, he still didn't feel comfortable enough to actually mingle with the other residents. Plus, the place was pretty full, due to this event thing.

When he thought enough time had passed, he left the room and walked swiftly trough the halls until reaching the entrance. To avoid unnecessary contact, he found a corner to stand in, partially hidden by shadows, but with enough visibility to recognize Ace when she arrived. If this muggle device was as important as he'd heard to make his life in this place easier, he would learn how to use it.

*incomplete, draco malfoy, ace

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