Since the epic plots are waiting to be mod-approved, here you have a silly log.

Mar 07, 2009 18:56

Characters: Matt, Mello, Halle Lidner
When: Afternoon.
Where: Halle and Matt's apartment.
Rating: PG-13 for implied stuff.
Summary: Mello wants to give Matt a reason not to try anything with Halle.

Mello never made mistakes.

Well, not often, at least.

So when he appeared in Halle's apartment in the middle of the night to have a talk with her in the living room, he was pretty aware that Matt was somewhere around the house.

"Hal," Mello said, removing Matt's underwear from the couch and throwing it away before he took a seat. "Honestly, why did you invite him over? There are many people in Adstringendum who lack a family and a place, why him?"

mello, *incomplete, matt, halle lidner

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