Feb 22, 2011 10:10
Cappucino and Tea, Milk and no sugar arrive at their destination pretty much at the same time - an abandoned fair in the shadow of Canary Wharf. Old, abandoned, and separated from the rest of the world by a padlock and an iron gate. They make short work of it, and proceed into the old amusement park where they make their way through abandoned rides - the House of Mirrors, Tea cups, a Children's railway.
They use Tea, Milk and no sugar's iPhone GPS to find their destination - a simulator ride - which they start to investigate. The ride is called 'Pellucidar', which Cappucino speculates is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel 'At the Earth's Core'. Unable to open the door they turn their attention to the ride's control booth-cum-payment kiosk, where they find a control panel connected to an old video tape which plays back just like in the old Mission Impossible show. They are joined by H20, and gain entry into the simulator just before the tape commences its pre-announced 'Self-Destruct', which conveniently takes the control booth with it.
Inside the Simulator, they commence the ride, which, after the credits (Seventh Life Presents... The Pellucidar Experience), simulates, as predicted, a boring machine driving itself into the centre of the Earth and deep into its crust. The simulator rocks and shakes just like the real thing, while Tea, Milk and no sugar announces that the programme is running in 'Seventh Life', a Virtual Reality simulation of the Earth for which he has done much of the architectural designs, and whose coordinates are mapped against real-world GPS coordinates, enabling them to travel through VR and arrive at a previously mapped destination. Seventh Life doesn't quite obey the same laws as Earth, as its dimensions are non-Euclidean, and it is used as a virtual prison to entrap alien threats beneath Great Seals of Power.
The simulator is connected to their destination, and its occupants are unknowingly transferred, via a portal, through Seventh Life to their destination, where they arrive inside an identical simulator, unaware that any transfer has taken place until they step outside....