Lost in the Laundry - notes to self

Mar 19, 2011 10:43

Well, as with games involving my daughter, the gap between sessions has been about a month, and we now stand on the eve of the Spring Equinox.

Because I tend to wing these games, I'm using LJ as a note to self, flagging up what I want to use in this adventure. So...

The Spring Equinox is now celebrated as the Festival of Ostara (Eostre) by the Wiccans, even though Easter is a whole month away. This will therefore be a prelude to Easter, in which:
  • The recent Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami is a DEEP SEVEN retaliation against the Japanese Chikyu Hakken deep sea drilling mission.
  • The heroes search the catacombs of Paris for "les oeufs de Pâques" (Easter Eggs). Their mission is actually much more sinister as the French are also attempting to communicate with DEEP SEVEN using ancient rituals which are outmodes and unsafe
  • Cultists wearing hare masks (a la Donnie Darko or Loz Miles' Faction Paradox) cast the "Red Sign of Shudde M'ell" upon a painted egg-like stone deep beneath the streets of Paris
How this ties together will be explored in the next update....
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