I've decided that I should update weekly. This might be a fleeting notion that I will never follow through with. I originally thought I should do it daily, but uh... I know I can't commit to that and will fail. Hard. So. We're starting with weekly.
I did a massive update last week so this one should be shorter and less whiny. Maybe.
Monday off. Slept in, but not as late as I normally do, which is odd- Saw Unborn with Benjamin. Scary, but kind of terrible. Was not aware that what's his bucket... Gary Oldman was in it. Pleasently surprised. Still not that great of a movie, but good if you like movies where scary gross things jump out at you. Plot was good in theory, but executed poorly.
Tuesday... er. Was Tuesday like. Really long seminar in which I did absolutely nothing productive. I did take a test I needed to make up, so we'll put that in the pro column. Boyfriend fetched me from school and we had quality hang outs before he went to work- and then I slept until like, 10 pm.
OH. TUESDAY WAS ELECTION DAY. YAYYY. It was so good. His speech made me cry. And also Aretha. <33 Watched the coverage in my history class and then took an English quiz even though the prof told us last week we wouldn't be doing anything. Way lame.
Wednesday was er... A blur. Migraine. Only remember being in lots of pain and getting sick in the girls bathroom. Did not stay after for PROUD meeting- could not bare any more industrial lights. Joel was kind enough to rescue me from my misery and put me in bed. Was quite a painful day.
Thurs- Still migraine only slightly better. Had planned to go to Planned Parenthood with Joel to pick up birth control for this month, but they were closed. Was not pleased. Snuggled with the boy for a bit before he left for work.
Today- Still headachey. Ew. Hopefully it will be gone tomorrow. Wrestled with the PP lady on the phone about BC. She was not very nice and would not take my new insurance. Finagled a new Rx out of my doctor for a pharmacy that would take my insurance and plan to pick that up tomorrow.
The boy's picking me up in a couple hours once he's off for maximum overnight snuggles. No plans as of yet for tomorrow, though it's looking quite lonely. Joel's leaving early for Indy to meet his new nephew!! (<3333) and mom will be gone all day/night. Tried Ben but no answer all day today. Hmm. Will probably try Tim next as we haven't had proper hang outs in far too long.
[end cut]
In which I give a review of Unborn and bitch about migraines. Well, at least I cut down the whining considerably since last week.
I am now off to do real writing- Wish me luck. My muse needs help. *facedesk*