Update. Ish.

Jan 12, 2009 17:42

Er... Obviously still alive. I promise I'm not an impersonator. If I were an impersonator would I know that my electric bill was $250??? Well, probably, actually, 'cause I would have gone through my stuff and figured out all the answers to those tricky questions... But the point is that I am NOT an impersonator and am, in fact, the true blue.

Now that that's been established. Whew.


I've managed to keep a boyfriend for 13 months straight. Well. Mostly. There was a rough patch for a week there in the beginning, but that's old news. Over a year. Who'da thunk? It's very strange, really. At times I don't quite know what to do with him. He's pretty good at keeping himself entertained, though, so I suppose that might have something to do with our success. Can you imagine having to be the 24/7 entertainment for someone for thirteen months straight? Exhausting. Oh my. I'm tired just thinking about it.

School's fine. Boring and miserable, but what can you expect. Only about half of it is boring and miserable, really, so I shouldn't complain. I'm ploughing through. I cannot believe I have a year and a half MORE to go. Christ on a cracker. Thank god I have aforementioned boyfriend to lean on when I get exhausted- which is often.

Picked my role playing stuff again after a long hiatus. Well, I couldn't be expected to stick with TWF- what with all the absolute misery that has take over. Yuck. I am far too pretty for stuff like that. But no, I'm on BSW now with all the TWF 'vets. It's much better. With active mods who care. And all the good people who are serious (but fun-loving). I've also picked up two brand new characters and brought back an old one, in addition to Kila who I don't think ever left at all. She is a professor now, though... I brought Kylara back- as I started watching Gossip Girl again and have bitchy inspiration. I created a ickle firstie, Audrey, who is about the cutest thing you could ever imagine. And I snagged Narcissa. Whoo!

Teh Boyfriend got me addicted to Left 4 Dead. Oh dear lord, how I love that game. Even if it is the first video game I have played in my life. It's so beautiful. <33 Who knew zombies could be so damn purty? Well, you know, it's the graphics really, but I'll move on.

Have been hanging out with Max and Meredith more and more. This is a good thing. The double-date type stuff we do is very satisfying; mostly just because Meredith is my very favorite and the cutest ever. Have been doing lots of stuff with Joel's friends, really. Wii Sports last Friday with Adam, Nate, and er... what's-her-bucket. Carrie. That's it. Much fun was had by all. Well, until I couldn't stand up properly any more. It was 7 am at that point and I had been up for 24 hours, after all. I blame the Red Bull.

Things with my crew are good. Not much to tell there. Kels is still little miss preppy dance team straight A's. All very old news. Ancient, really. She is back with Jory. Again. Jesus, when will they give up? Miks is doing much better after her trip to AZ this summer. Small relapses, but nothing really worth noting. Got back in touch with Leah from like. My primary school years. Jesus, that's a trip. Lot's of fun, though. It's kind of cool to be able to reminisce with someone you've known since you were 6.

All my old boys have run off. I'm fine with that (most days), and I'm happy for them, really.
-Mr. Bloomington's married to a Grilled Cheese* who he got preggers- but this was far after he and I stopped talking, so meh. Have tried to say hello and be polite, but alas. No goes.
-Mr. Harmony's happily living with his girlfriend in a cabin by the lake. Weirdo's. He's kind of secluded and cut off from, well, everyone, but he seems happy so *shrug*
-Mr. Cali is now Mr. Vermont. Or Maine. Or someone where way North East and cold. He's also snagged himself a Vegan-No-Shaving-Liberal-Arts-School girlfriend. No judgment. We all go through phases.
-Mr. Owen County went through a terrible phase with one of my frienimies. Oh load, it was terrible. That's over, thank load. After several months of angst he's found a cute girl that I know virtually nothing about, but makes him happy and I sincerely hope he stays happy with her. He deserves it.

I've started to ramble. The point is that life is good. Not great, but I can't complain. I can't say there's anything too terribly exciting coming up, but hey. I'm being thankful for what I have. <3

*Grilled Cheese
Too tan, trashy tart.

However, an impostor wouldn't know that I have an inflamed taste bud at this very moment. God, this sucks. If you've ever had one, you know. The agony!

I am far too pretty for this shit.

geekdom, life, mr. eyebrows, ze boys

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