Site Recs

Jan 12, 2009 17:20

Harry Potter:

Forum based literary RPG
Takes place in Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts c. '94-95
Lots of fun.

For those of you who know me, I'm sure you've heard me talk about The White Ferret.
Well, in the last several months it has fallen to pieces. It's a mess over there. *pets* It's sad, really.
Anyway, Beyond Stone Walls is a new and improved RPG with the same idea, basically.
But, you know, with active mods who care about us. Yay!

I'm doing a terrible job at explaining this, but if you like to write HP verse stuff, it's probably a good place.
I have four characters at the moment- two students, a professor, and a canon.
I have to say that the people on this site (whom I've been writing with for at least four years now)
are some of the most talented people I've ever encountered.

And plus, if you join, I'll put in a good word with you with everyone!


Awesome, Horrible, Awards, Oh My!!

Uh. Go Nominate people.
An awards comm is nothing without nominations.
Or even just go to read awesome fics. <33

recs, fandomy goodness

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