Moving In

Jan 23, 2009 22:40

For charchall 's January challenge; Aphrodite

Title: Moving In
Author: adorkablefae
Character: Kylara Blaire
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of anorexia
Summary: Kylara cannot stand her roommate another minute.
Fandom: Loosely Harry Potter
Award choices: Aphrodite female
Word Count: 575
Notes: Er... something I had lying about that I thought would work well. Kylara's definitely a negative Aphrodite. Overly concerned with appearance and wants everyone to be like her- and obsessive about expression in the form of fashion and luxury. Not the seductress type, but definitely Aphrodite in many other ways. Hope this qualifies.

Kylara Chanel Vanessa Blaire was way too fucking pretty for this shit and she had absolutely had enough. Her roommate was completely and utterly infuriating. Kylara was certainly not going to put up with yet another year of her ineptitude and inferiority. Since it was much harder to kick her out of their room, she was moving out- as angry as that made her. She shouldn't have to be the one to move when Skyla was the one who was annoying and immature. Kylara's only hope at this point was that Calista didn't have a roommate yet. If her friends room was full, Kylara didn't know what she would do. It was doubtful that there were any vacant rooms this far into the term and no way was Kylara moving into a room with first years or some poofy-haired imbecile who had no taste but an affinity for studying. No, Calista's room would just have to work out.

The sixth year couldn't put her finger on anything in particular that her roommate had done. Frankly, it was everything about her. Her complete disregard for all the things Kylara valued might have had something to do with it. This day had been a long time coming. Kylara's contempt for Skyla had been brewing for the last five years. She had absolutely no taste- her clothes looked like they came from a bargain store. Plus, she was fat. And no wonder, she actually ate three meals a day- and probably consumed more than 900 calories a day.

As much as the Ravenclaw wanted to make a scene of leaving while her roommate was around, Skyla was no where to be found. It would have given her no greater pleasure to rip the red head to shreds while on her way out, but alas, Skyla hadn't been in their room all day. Kylara made a show of packing up her shoes and threw some of her roommate's around in the process. If she couldn't yell at her, she might as well trash the room before she left for good. Her clothes were next; she zipped up her dresses in garment bags and folded the rest of her clothes and put them in one of her many trunks. She threw her lingerie in another trunk and shrunk her shoe boxes to fit with the rest of her unmentionables. Her knick-knacks and jewelry went in another, and her 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and the rest of her bedding in yet another.

She levitated the four trunks, threw the garment bags over her shoulder, and stomped out of her old room. Her Chanel woven oxford heels clacked on the wooden floor as she made her way down the hallway to Calista's room. Her hair was slightly disheveled, and several first years stepped to the side of the hall to let her through after she had glared at them. The sixth year's green eyes glowed with anger as she made her way down the hall. Kylara had not been this angry in ages. There might as well have been smoke coming out of her ears for how angry she was by the time she reached Calista's room. Calista was sitting on the only made up bed in the room reading a book.

Kylara dropped her trunks on the floor unceremoniously, making Calista look up. "I absolutely cannot stand living with her for a moment longer. I'm moving in."

charchall, harry potter, writing, original character

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