Old Poetry (Actually I think it was meant to be a song but I don't remember the music.)

Jan 27, 2014 23:50

Looking through some old files and stumbled on this little nugget of memory. It's nice to remember that I've grown emotionally.

Have you seen it

Was looking for a long time
didn't know what I was looking for
thought it was love
would have told you it was love, if you'd asked me
and I thought i found it too
thought I made it sometimes too
a dash of this, a bit of that
look at us, this is love right?
she's beautiful, this is love right?
I love his smile so, this is love right?

Been looking for a long time;
been holding up a wanted sign;
been asking every passerby
have you seen it, have you seen it?
have you seen my heart?
when I found the love
when I found my heart
when I put it all together
well it all just fell apart
cause turns out my heart is sacred
and not as strong as I pretend
and turns out I never found out
how to assemble it again
so it felt like it was easier
felt like the only way
was to gaurd it so I wrapped it up
three or four times with a chain
then I put it in a box
and put that box into the ground
then I made myself forget that hole
didn't want it to be found
And I went about my life like that
gaping hole between my breasts
Made me strong
'Cause when you take away your weakness
there's nothing left to be
So long story long but,
shorter than it had to be
I found my squishy heart by simply
remembering how to love me
dug up that old heart
only a little worse for wear
put it out for the world to see
just trusting that they'll take care
but I never took those chains off
But now they're there for me
because now I can't remove it
'cause I haven't got the key
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