22 day writing challenge, day two!

Jan 30, 2014 04:59

So this was my day two entry but while I was writing it my computer shut down. Once I got it running again I got into a conversation with an old friend that made me hate the internet for a bit. And then I went drinking with my fellow queers and was no longer able to operate a keyboard.

Excuses over, now I post it.

Writing Prompt: What positive, useful thing did you learn from your parent(s)/caretaker(s)? (it can be learning what NOT to do also)

My parents have taught me a lot of positive and useful things, both through learning what not to do and what to do. I'd like to share one lesson that I thought of recently. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time in the hospital. I had cancer. Almost all of my friends had cancer as well. One particular friend, Ekkie, she was a few years older than me but we spent a lot of time together because no one visited her. She had leukemia and was pretty much given a death sentence shortly after I met her. There are certain people who are not willing to watch someone die. Ekkie's family were those people. Well one day when I had been sent home, Ekkie died. My parents found out and chose not to tell me. When I found out, weeks later their reasoning for that was they didn't want me to get sad and give up hope. They wanted to make sure I kept fighting. What they didn't understand is that not being able to go to her funeral, not being able to say goodbye, not being able to be that one person at her funeral that watched her in her hard times. That made me depressed, that was the thing that made me give up hope. I was hospitalized again four times that month, the last time for over a month. I didn't care about living nearly as much, obviously in the end I pulled through.

The thing I was taught by this is that you can't decide what is best for a person. I see understand fully why my parents didn't tell me about Ekkie, AND THEY WERE STILL WRONG. I don't know what's best for you so the only way to figure that out is by giving you all the information I can and letting you decide what is best.
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