22 day writing challenge, day one!

Jan 27, 2014 19:30

At the suggestion of Belenen I'm participating in a 22 day writing challenge wit zir. This will be difficult for me but I really really want to do it so...Here goes.

Writing Prompt: If you had to pick one subculture to spend most of your time with for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?

This is difficult for me, because I do a lot of toe dipping into a lot of subcultures. I consider myself to wear their labels sometimes, for the conevience to myself and others but rarely do I really dive in and swim around. My initial response to this was to say the queer community but there is a part of me that feels a bit offended by the idea that queer is a subculture. I need to investigate my feelings on that further, but the idea of that brought me to my real choice. Fandom. It's a huge umbrella but to be slightly more specific I mean the sort of fandom you would find at PAX or comic-con. Does that sound trite? Well hear me out. Firstly, because it's such a huge subculture spending all most of my time with it would never be dull. Secondly, and most importantly, if I was forced to spend the majority of my time with one subculture I would feel it necessary to try to fix thing thing within it that I find problematic. And boy-o do I find a lot of fandom to be problematic. Fandom is this huge part of my childhood and this important part of my adult life and yet I've spent years feeling unable to participate because I'm queer, because I'm black, because I'm female. I don't want that, I want to feel like everyone can be exactly who they are in this essentially beautiful subculture that has been twisted and made ugly in so many ways because of patriarchy. So while fandom might not be the most important subculture around it's something worth loving, and worth fixing.

fandom, 22 day writing challenge, belenen

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