Fic: Missing You, 5/?

Nov 19, 2008 03:50

TITLE: Missing You, 5/?
PARINGS: Addison/Izzie
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this work are mine, unfortunately!
SUMMARY: Addison returns, and emotions are sent spiralling out of control.
SETTING: Season 4, a few episodes in.

Everything happened so quickly after Addison slipped into the dark on-call room.

Before she had managed to close the door properly, Izzie had pinned her against it. In a time that even Addison probably would have struggled to beat, Izzie had captured her lips hungrily. An impatient tongue paced, requesting access to her mouth, access that Addison was all too happy to give. A wandering hand skimmed under her shirt, fingers soon exploring the bare skin of Addison's stomach.

The redhead purred, enjoying the feel of Izzie against her skin. As a reward, she threaded her fingers through blonde hair, pulling her closer and in turn, deepening their kiss. Her spare hand, that had previously been wandering up and down Izzie's side, shifted to her slightly protruding collarbone, skimming over her breast on the way. It traced light patterns there for a while, before drifting down to the v-shaped neck of her shirt - A shirt that Izzie had been wearing beneath her scrub top, a shirt with buttons. Tentative in her motions, Addison began to undo the offending object. It did not take Izzie long to adjust to the fact that the older woman was undressing her, in fact, she welcomed it, even slouching her shoulders to make proceedings easier. Soon enough, the salmon-coloured garment (and Izzie had had a thing for salmon, since setting eyes on a particular flame-haired attending) had been discarded on the floor.

Feeling she had spent quite enough time flush against a door, Addison pushed Izzie backwards and against the cold, metal pole of the bunk-beds. Izzie gasped as the object came into contact with her bare skin, and she shivered slightly. Her discomfort was soon forgotten it seemed, as skittish hands tugged at the lab coat Addison was wearing.

Just one more article of clothing, and they would be equal, so why quit now?

Izzie let her fingers dance over a taut stomach, before they tugged willingly at the cashmere sweater covering it. The look of distaste on Addison's face was priceless, as she was forced to pull away from Izzie, to allow the top to be brought over her head. Almost as soon as it had been tossed aside however, her lips had been returned to Izzie's skin - Only this time, they were placing dainty butterfly kisses on her jaw and neck.

Breathing heavy in anticipation, Izzie tilted her head back against the structure to allow the teeth that were nipping at her skin better access. Addison purred at Izzie's compliance, soon feeling the need to explore further. She let her mouth trail the length of her front, a stray hand tactfully unhooking her lacy bra, as she reached the divide between her breasts. The attending continued on her trek downward, only stopping once she reached her pants. In the same moment that Addison stood, she pressed her hand flush against Izzie's toned stomach, then let it drift slowly beneath the light blue scrubs. The blonde was shaking, her lungs drawing in shallow breaths. “Oh, fuck.” Izzie groaned. Her fingers had tangled themselves in flame-red hair at some point, and as Addison rose level with her again, she pulled her in, enveloping her lips with her own. With a hand skirting the edge of her panties, threatening to venture further, Izzie felt as though she were going stir crazy. She needed Addison, and she needed her right now. She shoved her tongue into Addison's mouth in attempt to distract her, while a hand found its way to her waist, dragging her backwards, toward the at present, comfortable looking bed. Izzie collapsed onto the squeaky mattress, with Addison following to an extent, before pulling away. It might have looked at first, that she was having second thoughts -it certainly did to Izzie, who grew a worried look in her eyes- but instead, she was merely out to make things easier. A lustful grin on her lips, Addison tugged Izzie's scrubs clean off her legs, before removing her own. The redhead growled, lowering herself over Izzie.

The resident immediately wrapped her arms around Addison, drawing her close, as if a fear of losing her had suddenly set in. “Fuck me, Addie... Please.” She whined softly, the feel of the other woman flush against her, simply wonderful.

The sound of her nickname coming from Izzie, was like honey to Addison. There were only a few people who called her that, and until then, Izzie had not been one of them. She would from now on though, Addison guessed, which was perfectly fine by her. One hand found its way to the blonde locks it had been toying with earlier, while the other snaked down Izzie's side, ready to resume its place inside her panties. Goosebumps appearing all over her body at her touch, Izzie tried to prepare herself for what was about to come - It all went out the window however, as Addison ran a finger over her clit. The blonde bucked her hips against the hand, moaning softly. The attending lowered her head, satisfied that Izzie was content. She placed a lingering kiss onto her lips, before setting out to assault her breast. She nibbled on the nipple for a few seconds, before sucking it into her mouth and running her tongue over it.

Izzie was more than content. Izzie was in the early stages of euphoria. Her skin was was burning everywhere Addison had touched, licked or kissed - But most of all, the warm space between her legs was wet. In fact, it was wetter than wet. Now, if Izzie felt this way, she thought it only fair that Addison should feel the same. Hands unsteady -like her legs would have been, had she been standing right now- she ran her nails across Addison's back, pausing to unhook her own, silk bra on the way. But, they failed to remain in a single place for too long, and soon one was squirming beneath velvet-like underwear. Addison moaned as she felt the appendage root around in her own, flooded panties. In the next few moments, both women took the leap, and plunged two fingers into each other.

Izzie arched her back, biting down on her lip to keep any unwanted sound, in.

While Addison, drew in a breath sharply. “Fuck.”

Having initiated another tongue duel, this time, neither wanting to fight for leadership, Addison and Izzie had settled into a pace that suited both of their needs. It was amazing how quickly order had been established, and to anyone watching, it would have looked like they had both done this before. Done each other, before; but that was not the case. Panting, Izzie groaned into the mouth that captured hers. Her free hand was elsewhere, grabbing desperately at the sheets a she came closer, quickly closer. It was met by Addison's, that was also tearing at the flimsy linen frantically, as the pressure grew within her, too. Seeing as neither had found a significant pile of sheets to cling too, they decided to take the strain off one another and fingers entwined together - Not to be parted unless utterly necessary.

Addison began to tremble uncontrollably, announcing the fact that she was almost at climax. Unwilling, she was forced to pull back from their desperate, yet sensual kisses, needing air. Air that she just was not going to get from Izzie's mouth, no matter how hard she tried, or how much she wanted it to happen. Then all of a sudden, it was upon her. “Oh god, IZZIE!” Her breathing became fierce and erratic, as she fought to prolong the utter bliss that thundered through her, struggled to keep each sensation. But it could not last. So Addison was left to come around, dazed from the whole ordeal, just as Izzie lurched into her own state of heaven.

“Addie... Fuck, Addie!” Was the moving sound that the redhead 'sobered up' too, and it made her heart flutter as she relaxed against her lovers slowly calming body. Addison lifted hand to her face, her finger grazing across a flushed cheek as she waited for Izzie to once again become responsive. Which she did, sooner than expected, by wrapping an arm around the neonatal surgeon, and pulling her close.

The hands that had clung to one another during their ordeal, were still tangled, Addison noticed.


Hours later, the pair were still in that same on-call room, slumbering in each others arms.

Addison was closest to the wall, her hair draped across the pillow. She was on her side, arm placed protectively over the blonde, clinging tight. She was as close to her as humanly possible, but even so, her sleeping form tried to wriggle closer. Her head was buried in the crook of Izzie's neck, so that she could smell her sweet perfume even in sleep. Being cuddled up with her seemed to be doing Addison the world of good, she had not had sleep as good as this in months, despite the fact she was probably in the most uncomfortable bed in the world. All that mattered was that Izzie was there with her. Izzie sighed in her sleep, fingers unconsciously drawing invisible circles along the arm that shielded her. She was facing Addison, had been ever since the pair had settled down just to relish being together, cuddling and touching while they had the chance, and had ended up falling asleep instead.

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