Fic: Missing You, 4/?

Nov 17, 2008 11:24

TITLE: Missing You, 4/?
PARINGS: Addison/Izzie
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this work are mine, unfortunately!
SUMMARY: Addison returns, and emotions are sent spiralling out of control.
SETTING: Season 4, a few episodes in.

Although it blended nicely into the atmosphere of the hospital, the wheels of the bed creaked and squealed noisily as it was pushed along the corridor. It was accompanied by the muffled patting, and shuffling of many feet, as interns trailed along behind, all excited about the surgeries they were about to witness. But, the noise that brought the whole thing together was most certainly the continuous rhythm of clicking - And that clicking, would only ever indicate the presence of one person. The only person brave enough to wear fiercely expensive, stiletto-heeled shoes, during a surgery.

Dr Addison Montgomery.

The redhead was trotting along on the left side of the bed, her eyes constantly darting toward a certain blonde, who had taken her place directly opposite.

Izzie, having noticed the attention she was receiving, had flushed cheeks.

Before long, they had arrived outside the OR.

“Okay, take her in.” Addison fell back.

Izzie mimicked her, before they stepped into the scrub-room.

Both women rinsed their hands, then lathered them in soap thoroughly. “So, how did your interns react when they found out about the surgery?”

“They were totally psyched.” Izzie beamed.

“Good, because you are definitely not a dud.”

Lips curling further, she swooned a little, “Now you are just being nice.”

“MM, because McSatan is always nice for no reason...” Addison rolled her eyes.

Izzie tossed her head, giggling. “Smart-ass.”

“You know it, Stevens.”

In the next instant, two hands reached out for the button to turn on the facet, and collided in a sticky mess of soap, and fingers. Addison set her gaze on the tangle, hesitating a moment before brushing her fingertips across the back of Izzie's hand, her wrist. The blonde simply bit down on her lip, hard, not daring to look in case she was imagining the tingling sensation that followed Addison's touch.

Whoosh. The sound of the door adjoining the scrub room to the OR slid open, and a male nurse peered in. “Are, you two ready to start?”

The interruption had caused both doctors to startle, who looked toward him with somewhat guilty eyes. They had been relishing in a small moment, while a woman was inside, waiting for them to deliver her baby.

Addison cleared her throat, jabbing at the button that had previously been their source of delay. “Yeah, one minute.” She rinsed her hands, then snatched a paper towel from the dispenser and dabbed them dry. Once the cloth was disposed of, she tied up the mask dangling around her neck and entered the OR.

Izzie copied the exact same routine, and came to stand beside Addison, just as she was snapping on her surgical gloves.


“Clamp.” Addison requested, holding out her hand instinctively.

Obediently, Izzie collected the tool and handed it to the redhead, a brief smile appearing on her lips.

Addison positioned the clamp correctly, then turned to look over her shoulder, “You.” Her confident tone was directed at one of the interns. “Get over here, and hold this.”

Gulping, the young girl hurried over.

“Keep it perfectly still.” Her tone was strict, as she carefully handed the clamps over.

A nod was her only response.

Soon after, Addison was close to elbow deep in blood, guts and babies, her hands trying to locate the deceased child. It took her a few minutes of fiddling and feeling, before a brightness suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Izzie recognised the look immediately, so was not surprised when Addison looked at her, requesting aid.

“Be ready to support them, Stevens.”

“I will.” Izzie held out her hands, close to the gaping bump.

Not one to rush things, especially in circumstances as dire as this, Addison took her time in extracting the baby. With every inch that appeared the first infant was transferred into Izzie's hands, before eventually both were free. It was a relief to both of them when the living baby gurgled once, effectively clearing its throat enough to let out a series of high-pitched cries.

“Thank, god.” Izzie breathed.

Behind light blue masks, both women were grinning, as they transported the twins in unison over to another table, awed eyes following them the whole way. Many of the people in the room had never seen the sight before, and, were never likely to again, so had to make the most of it.

“Hook her up to a heart monitor, and check her vitals.” Addison cooed gently, running her gloved finger over the baby's stomach.

The blonde nodded.

Addison meanwhile returned to her patient, open on the table, and began closing up. This was the easy part, the long, hard slog was coming next, and lucky for her she was not the one that would be doing it. Of course, she would have to be there, right there, (or at least somewhere close) the whole time; just in case something happened - But for the most part, it was all up to Derek.

“We've got a fighter over here, Dr Montgomery.” Izzie piped up.

“Great. Get her over to OR 3, and under anaesthetic, but make sure that Dr Shepherd does not start without me.”


“Here. You need to keep your strength up.”

Addison snapped her eyes open to find Izzie, staring down at her. Unable to stop herself, a grin seeped onto her lips. Having been lying across a few chairs in the gallery, she shifted into a less comfortable position, creating a space beside her. A hand patted at the empty seat, inviting her to sit.

Not about to complain, Izzie leapt at the chance and settled down alongside her, holding out a cup of stoking hot coffee for her to take.

“You did not need to do this.” Addison surmised, unloading the blonde of her load, before taking a long, savouring sip. Her eyes widened, “Seriously. You really did not need to do this, Isobel, where did you get this? Its delicious.”

Izzie smiled broadly, “I went to a little coffee shop a few blocks away. You deserve better than the cheap shit the cafeteria serve. Especially after sitting here for all of,” She checked her watch, “Seven hours.”

Addison inhaled suddenly. “Have I really been here that long?”

The blonde nodded, “Which is why I also got you this.” Her hand disappeared beneath the chair, then came back up clutching a little brown bag.

“Please, say that is cake.”

Izzie shrugged nonchalantly, “Might be.”

Grazing a tongue over her lips, Addison grabbed for the food, and was delighted to find that it was indeed, her desired sugary treat. After fighting with the packaging for a few seconds, she sunk the little plastic fork into the slice, and took a bite.

“You better enjoy that, Montgomery. I paid enough for it.”

The rather sexual moan her threat elicited from Addison, was all the answer she needed. It even forced a giggle out of her. “I take it that is a yes, then.”

All Addison could do was nod, as she placed another forkful in her mouth.

Minutes passed, and Izzie found her eyes wandering to the redhead, a mixture of unable and unwilling nagging at her not to look away. Her lips sported an adoring smile, while her hands had travelled to toy with the hem of Addison's white coat. She even shifted on her seat, draping her arm over the back of the chair.

Having noticed all these, little advances, Addison shuffled closer.

Absently, Izzie brushed her finger over Addison's shoulder blades, twirling soft circles across her concealed skin.

Addison froze at first, but soon relaxed against the feel of tingling. Blue eyes cast themselves over the blonde, and a wave of wanting drifted over her. After discarding the leftover packaging of her cake on the floor, her hand grazed a toned thigh, before seeking out Izzie's hand and drawing it toward her.

Their fingers investigated one another, soon settling enough to entwine.

Izzie was shaking a little, the back of her hand burning against Addison's touch. All she could think of was leaning in, closing the already small distance between them, and kissing her. If the OR below had not been filled with people, (even if they were all too focused on the surgery to notice) she probably would have. But then, that was assuming Addison had not beaten her to it, already. Shifting from the shoulders they were working on, Izzie's fingers sliced through much-desired flame-red locks.

Addison's eyes were mere slits, as she leaned into the hand the against her cheek. Barely able to take the closeness, the touches without leaping onto the blonde, she bit her lip. “On-call room?” Her voice was shaky, and somewhat husky.

“Please.” Izzie almost begged, even though the offer had already been put in place.

Addison smirked, “Go. I'll follow you, soon.”

Of course, Izzie did not need telling twice, so untangled her hand from the redheads, and hurried for the door.

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