FIC: Missing You, 6/?

Dec 15, 2008 02:51

Okay, so I want to apologise for how long it has taken me to post this chapter, I honestly did not expect time to run away so quickly. I did manage to get half of this one done a couple of days after I posted the last, but then I went through a total dry spell where nothing, and I mean nothing was coming. Once it was finally over however, and I went to turn on my dad's laptop to finish, low and behold, the damn thing decided to crash and needless to say, I lost everything. See, I would have continued a lot sooner after that, had I not been trying to pluck up the courage to type the first part again without ruining it, (because, things are never as good the second time around, are they?). Anyway, I finally managed to get it to a point where I was mildly satisfied and now, I present you with the finished product. Just as a heads up, with the holidays and all, I probably won't be updating much/at all over the next couple of weeks.

TITLE: Missing You, 6/?
PAIRINGS: Addison/Izzie
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this work are mine, unfortunately!
SUMMARY: Addison returns, and emotions are sent spiralling out of control.
NOTES: Season 4, a few episodes in.

Filled with a peaceful silence, the room was unusually quiet, only the calm, even breathing of two women to disturb its satisfaction with the act that had taken place, behind its very secretive doors. However, as was usual in Seattle Grace, nothing could stay this serene and docile for long, in fact, interruption was certainly far by overdue. In an instant, chaos set about the air, the muted shrilling of a pager resonating from beneath an earlier discarded pile of scrubs. Addison roused at the noise, her continuous years of working with babies, (and falling asleep in an uncomfortable chair at their bedside) forcing her to hear the high-pitched cries. Her head darted from the pillow suddenly, confusion ruling her sleep-ridden blue eyes as they darted around. She soon realised what was causing the disturbance however, and clambered as gently as she could over the sleeping form beside her. A shiver coursed through her body the second her bare feet touched the cold, tiled floor, but she ignored her discomfort and padded toward the offending mass. Her hand swiped down, grasping at the blue linen and bringing it up to her waist in one liquid movement. She winced as the shrilling collided with air, enabling it to grow considerably louder in the split second before she was able to fumble with the button, and switch off the dreadful racket.

Addison released the sigh that had caught in her throat, before realising her quick motions had not been quite quick enough.

On the bed, Izzie shifted, her hand absently smoothing over the warm sheets that had once housed a body. “Addison?” Her voice was slurred, full with sleep, but still held an obvious air of confusion and disappointment.

“Right here, sweetheart.” Addison soothed.

It had only been a few words, but the sound of her voice had been enough to calm Izzie. She turned over to rest on her other side, (and perhaps to steal a glance of the redhead) arm curling so that her left hand rested beneath her chin. Her eyes fluttered open tiredly, gaze only to be met with Addison's form, as she crouched beside the bed, having hurried over just moments before. A smile appeared on light pink lips.

“Morning.” The redhead lifted a hand, tending to a stray lock of blonde hair.

Brown eyes widened, as they darted to the window. “Morning?”

Addison chuckled softly, “No, it just sounded better than evening.”


Izzie thought about the analogy for a moment, it was true. The word 'evening' was generally reserved for brief encounters while taking a stroll along the street at night time. It was designed to be said to someone who you were likely never to see again, just as a form of polite acknowledgement of their presence. 'Morning' on the other hand, was much more personal on most occasions, it was more of a friendly greeting, than anything else.

Her lips curled into a frown.

“Iz...” Addison questioned, concern in her voice, “You okay?”

The blonde nodded. “Yeah, its just...” Her eyes diverted to the floor a moment, “That, I. I slept with you, the Addison Montgomery. How am I even supposed to begin to get my head around that?”

Embarrassed by the comment, Addison's cheeks flushed with colour. Nobody had ever said anything like that to her before, with everyone else, it had all be about the sex, not the person behind the sex. She cleared her throat quietly, in attempt to shove back the rush of emotions that had just hit her, and replace them with a slightly cocky demeanour. “You could start by kissing me.”

Izzie saw through the façade, but mimicked it. “As much as I like that idea, I can think of a few other things, too.”

“Oh?” Addison quirked a brow.

“Definitely.” Izzie smirked, pushing herself up onto her elbow so that she was closer. “First, I could thread my fingers through your hair.”


“Then, I could run my tongue over your lips.”


“Then, I could stroke your tongue with mine.”


“Then, I could press my lips against yours so softly, they tingle.”

Addison's lip quivered, and she whimpered. “Mm...”

“And then,” Izzie whispered, leaning closer to the redhead, so that their lips were a mere hairs breadth away. “Then...” Her voice was a little stronger this time, but she paused again, this time prolonging the silence a little longer, just long enough to tip Addison over the edge it seemed. Addison's breath had quickened, and her eyelids had fallen over blue irises in attempt to defer the thoughts crashing around in her head. “Then what, Iz?” She almost begged, a whine edging into her tone. Izzie could not help but grin, as she raised a hand to Addison's face, and grazed a finger across her cheek, before twirling flaming locks around it. “Then... I could pull you so close, that not even air can get between us.” Izzie had barely finished her last suggestion, when Addison practically leapt forward, pushing her backwards against the mattress and straddled her.

“You certainly know how to tease a girl, Stevens.”

The resident merely shrugged, pulling her close, and completing all the afore mentioned tasks. Whether they were in the correct order or not, neither seemed to be complaining, judging by the moans that ventured from their tangled bodies.

In all the excitement however, the pager had been forgotten, and was now struggling to stay above the white sheets as the two doctors moved around. Obviously not pleased with the whole situation, the frantic shrilling started up again. They reacted simultaneously, pulling away from one another to groan, but this time, it was in annoyance, rather than pleasure. Addison grabbed for the black device, and shut it off moments later, before burying her head in the crook of Izzie's warm, sweet-smelling neck. She held the pager out, “Please say that isn't an emergency call.” Izzie steadied the hand with her own, and tilted it down slightly so that she could see, “No. But they finished in surgery... So, we still have to go, Addie.”

The neonatal surgeon pouted, “But, I don't want to.”

“And you think I do? But we-”

Addison chimed in before she could finish, “We have to. I know - Its part of our job.”


Addison was about to follow Izzie from the on-call room, when she spotted a certain baby-faced doctor heading their way. So thinking against it, she ducked back inside, leaning back against the door to close it. She sighed, hanging her head slightly, before raking a hand through her locks. If there was one thing that O'Malley did not need to see, it was Addison, and her sex hair, following his girlfriend out of a room that always meant one thing. He was a smart enough boy, and would, helped along by her reputation, be able to quickly piece together what had been going on.

“Izzie!” Were the friendly, excited words she heard from the other side of the door. “Where have you been? I paged Dr Montgomery twice!”

Izzie stumbled on her words for a moment, “I uh, I wasn't with her.” She looked to the floor a moment, “I have not seen her for a few hours, actually - I went to get some sleep, in...” She gestured behind her, “there, and. Well, I don't know where she is."

“Oh, right.” George frowned a moment, before the excitable expression he had worn before returned, “It doesn't matter anyway. Come on! I will show you the baby. Dr Shepherd did a wonderful job on her.”

Izzie simply nodded, as George linked his arm with hers, and practically dragged her forward, a feigned smile perched on her lips.
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