Hello One and All

May 18, 2011 18:26

Name: Yashoda

Age: 26

About Me: What's there to say really? I'm a big ol' geek who fancies herself a super-fan and creator of written works of varying quality. I'm drifting through life in London, hoping to kick off a new life in the Big Apple. But 'til then, I'm aiming to finish a novel.

About My Journal: Abandoned at various points after a heady 5 year obsession that began ten years ago, but always returned to like a errant lover. It used to be all about fandom and geeking out (and still will be to some extent), but I'm transitioning it into more of a "writer's haven" for myself, to discuss issues, breakthroughs and other things fiction-related.

What I Write: I'm definitely concentrating on original fiction, but have frequently dabbled in fanfiction (though not for some years now), especially in old-school Doctor Who and Angel. You'll find outpourings of love, here, mainly, when I'm not discussing my own work.

What I Don't Write:  At the moment, I'm not writing any nonfiction (that's the focus of my other blog: theoncominghope.blogspot.com), but other than that there aren't explicit taboos.

What I (Don't) Read: I don't like to say there's anything I won't read, but there are certain genres that I won't explore myself, meaning I need someone to recommend particular works. I find sci-fi and fantasy to be especially tricky minefields, where there's plenty of great work, but a lot of horrors on the way.

Could I Edit Someone's Work: Yes! I am a self-proclaimed grammar nazi, so if you need a proofreader, I'm your girl. I can help with story as well.

What I'm Looking For:. Fellow writers, mainly. People to share joys and frustrations with, and people who are into free exchanges of ideas. I admit I need help with my own work, but I want to help others as well. Basically I'm looking for compatriots, and I'm always interested in meeting new people.
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