Apr 07, 2006 00:00
So I was having a discussion yesterday with Martin about the crappiness that is my phone. It came free with my contract about two years ago, and I ahve hated it ever since. I've even had Cingular technician tell me it's a piece of crap and that I "got what I paid for".
So Martin points out that after a certain amount of time passes on my contract, I should be eligible for an upgrade. Sure enough, I checked it out and I am! I ordered a new phone (usually $99) and got it for only the activation fee of $18 - free shipping to boot! So it should be here in a couple days... my shiny, new, almost-free, non-LG phone with Bluetooth, camera and video (with digital zoom), and a color outside LCD caller ID! Yay for me!
Also, I am excited in the most geektastic way. A year or two ago, I stumbled upon something in my local comic shop that blew my gourd: It was a CD-ROM collection of every Spider-Man issue, from 1963 to the present (around 500 comics)... for only $40! I was so flabbergasted I thought it was way too good to be true, and I snapped it up. I still haven't read them all (I got distracted about issue #160), but I promise you someday I will!
In any case, I had heard rumor that there was a similar package available for the Fantastic Four, but I didn't pay much attention as I thought it was a hoax, or at least only available bootleg on eBay, plus I'm not the hugest FF fan.
Flash forward to yesterday - I'm reading my newest batch of comics, and sure enough there's an ad for the exact same deal of Avengers comics (not the British dudes, we're talking Captain America and Iron Man here)... 500 of them, and for only $30! At this point, my superhero glands started salivating, and I knew I must have it, obsessed as I have become with Avengers of late.
So today I went to the company's website to order it, and not only did I find it was actually true, but they also had the same deal for X-Men (my everlasting love), and the rumored FF set! All for $30 each! So, after peeling my gray matter off the floor, I promptly ordered the X-Men set and am now in crazy anticipation... just think, in a few weeks, I could be in possession of 2000+ more comics: every Spider-Man, X-Men, Avengers and Fantastic Four issue all at my greedy little fingertips!
...Okay, I know no one else (save maybe Jeff and B) will care, but goddamn it, I DO! This shit makes my life worth living, so byte me!
Oh, and, uh, I watched Crash tonight. That movie is officially one of my new favorite movies of all time, up there with the glorious American Beauty.