"Am I just paranoid, or am I stoned?"

Oct 31, 2004 02:08

OMFG sick night!!!!

I went to the Green Day concert with Stef and Igor, who hafta be some of the coolest people in the world by far. I wore my hot dog costume to the concert for laughs. Whatever, it’s the day before Halloween. And now my mom knows about my nipple haha!!! Long story…

So I get out of my car when we get there and people start screaming LOOK IT’S A WEENER!!! So were standing in like and this group of girls wanna take a picture with me, so being the sucker for attention that I am, I get in the pic. Then this girl walked up to me and bit me and said back to her friends, “nope he doesn’t taste like one too.” I thought I was gonna be the munchies to some stoners.

So then we went in and found our seats. People still yelling out my name, I felt like I was the center of attention haha. I saw a lot of people I knew like Tara, Soph, Jillian, Derek, Jarred, Alex and others that I probably forgot.

Sugarcult came on first and played like a 20-minute set which was pretty lame. After them Igor, Stef, Jarred, Jar’s friend, and me went looking for a way to get to the floor seats. It is fuckin’ impossible to sneak down. We figured that out.

NFG sucked. They played like a 30-minute set which blew my left nut. Sugarcult shoulda traded places with them. So after NFG we still tried to look for a way to get down, but with no luck. So we went pack to the seats and Igor, me, and a whole bunch of people from our section got up in front and started doing the YMCA when it came on. It was awesome, we did the whole dance and everything while the pink bunny was on stage. And then these 2 girls wanted me to sign their shirts, which was cool. I felt like a celebrity.

So then Green Day came on. That is where the party really started. 2 straight hours of awesome music and a dancing off the walls hot dog. I ran down for 2 seconds to get a shirt but it was worth it because I got it b4 it sold out and while there was no line. Green Day was sick!!!!!! Billie Joe is a fuckin god!!!!

That’s when we have to leave and we buy beers from this random guy. I met the kid that got pulled up on stage to play the drums too. All these people keep pointing at me so at one point when I was running to find my mom, I was like “you’re a weener you asshole!”

We stopped at the diner on the way home and there were a lot of people from the concert that were there. This kid got really scared and then this guy said, “I like your costume” in a very soft voice. He wanted me haha. There were also twins, and Igor got freaked out. He was like “holy shit there’s 2 of them!!!”

Ok well I am mucho tired so I think its time for some sleep. Peace!
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